What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: crank up the heat  (Read 3178 times)


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crank up the heat
« on: July 26, 2004, 12:57:05 am »
anyone know how to heat the hot tub past 104F
I know if you leave the cover on usually you can get 105F and only once I was lucky enough to get it to 106F.
Even though I know its bad for you and all that stuff, theres guys like me that just love that heat!
There must be away to set it above 104F

Hot Tub Forum

crank up the heat
« on: July 26, 2004, 12:57:05 am »


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Re: crank up the heat
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2004, 01:06:47 am »
Don't tell ANYONE I told you.

Not only that, I take no, naughta, none, zip, zero responsibility of your personal safety with this information. ::)

You can pull back the temperature sensor probe about an inch back. It will now read the temperture further back from the water and heat the water past 104. Your digital readout will no longer be accurate so you will want (NEED) a floating thermometer. Always check it prior to getting in!! The further back the probe is, the hotter your water will get. Be careful.

I do, in all honesty, hate recommending this. It can be dangerous and although you have heard this before bechman, I'm telling you again for the both of us. I couldn't imagine telling someone to do this and end up finding out someone got scalded or worse. Personally, 106 is as hot as I would go and even then, I would stay in no longer that 10-15 minutes. No kids in there at that temperature either OK? God, I sound like your Mother don't I? ;D



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Re: crank up the heat
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2004, 01:11:50 am »
I had a tech come out and replace jets in the hot tub one time and i asked him about heating it up past 104F.
thats exactly what he said too.  I tryed it but didn't notice a difference.. I think I pulled the wire out about a 1 1/2 inches. I noticed that one time on my control panel that the water did say 106F so if i pull the wire back i should be able to get that reading right??


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Re: crank up the heat
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2004, 01:29:17 am »
It HAS to make a difference. The probe thinks the water needs to heat to 104 when actually the temp is 2 or 3 degrees cooler an inch or so back. That's why your display will be wrong and the water temp will be hotter than what it's registering.

The further back, the more it will call for heat. Start small.



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Re: crank up the heat
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2004, 01:33:08 am »
ok, Thanks I'll try it again...
Iam still looking on the net for those custom boards you can buy to bring the temp up, but have had no luck...


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Re: crank up the heat
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2004, 01:45:14 am »
They ain't cheap! :o

You might want to consider warranty as well if that applies.



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Re: crank up the heat
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2004, 02:08:44 am »
yeah, thats right too, warrenty is void if you put one in.

hmmmmm decisions...

Hot Tub Forum

Re: crank up the heat
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2004, 02:08:44 am »


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