Hi everyone,
New to the forum. I have an older outdoor Jacuzzi Whirlpool Venterra with a SCM Panel. The tub was up and running just fine the other day and then all of a sudden it stopped working, everything. The pumps don't turn on, lights, etc. I reset the main panel breaker in my house, everything looked good there. This model has a GFCI outlet protector attached to the SCM panel which will not reset. I tested for power and there is nothing there.
My next move was to check if there was power coming from the main panel in the house out to the junction box attached to the SCM panel, which there is. Next, I followed the power into the SCM panel box to the first relay switch, power is still good. Power then goes to the second relay switch, and this is where there is no more power. Could it be a bad relay switch? Possibly a bad circuit protector?
I wanted to see if anyone had any experience or advise as to what could be wrong. Any and all help is appreciated.