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Author Topic: "Ozone hard on the equipment" (??)- new tub coming  (Read 3269 times)


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"Ozone hard on the equipment" (??)- new tub coming
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:56:52 am »
Hi - 1st post. You all were helpful in researching what to get, thanks. We ordered a bullfrog a8 (well, my folks did).
This is going in a vacation home, will be used Thurs or Friday through Sundays from about March through September each year. Some weekends will be skipped entirely, and it is *not* a place where we can have a neighbor come over and adjust the water chemistry.

I learned that they did NOT get an ozone system at the recommendation of the sales guy, and that he set them up with a frog @ease system (which sounds good). I called after the order was placed and the sales guy said he did not want to put an ozone system in the tub "because ozone is hard on the equipment." huh?

1) Is this true that an ozone system places more wear/strain on the equipment somehow?
2) Are we at risk of letting the water get out of control *without* an ozone system because no one will be present Mon-Thursday every week, and sometimes the home will go unoccupied for 14 days at a time?

This is coming from a high rated dealer local to us in Seattle, but something doesn't sit right.

I'm concerned, but Bullfrog has the order as of this past monday...

Hot Tub Forum

"Ozone hard on the equipment" (??)- new tub coming
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:56:52 am »


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Re: "Ozone hard on the equipment" (??)- new tub coming
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2016, 11:50:22 am »
Ozone not hard on system.  @Ease should do the job.  Relax...Enjoy.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: "Ozone hard on the equipment" (??)- new tub coming
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2016, 12:24:23 pm »
I hate dealers or people that should know better offering stupid information. To me it shows there was some reason he didn’t want to offer it. If anything I expect a dealer to oversell features like that. If he would have said you don’t really need one they do some good but not enough for what it costs you at least then he is stating an opinion.

I just tried out my first @ease cartridge as I switched over from bromine. It might be a case of it might take a little trial and error to get your setting right at first and then I think it will be a nice system for the time you are away.

I plan on using my @ease only when I go away and use dichlor the rest of the time. I suspect when you are at your cabin the tub will get heavy usage for a few days and then none for a week. Systems work best when things are steady and predictable. I might think about having some dichlor handy when you are using it a lot and give it a small dose each evening after use and a harder dose right before you close it and then let the @ease do the rest. The other method would be to open your setting up when you are there maybe wide open and set it back to 4 before you leave. You will want to shake the canister anyway to see if you have enough left if you are not going to go back for 14 days. Just some ideas.

Did the dealer suggest a setting on the @ease? 


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Re: "Ozone hard on the equipment" (??)- new tub coming
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2016, 01:03:21 am »
thank you both.

I didn't get a recommended setting yet, but I will be sure to do so. The dichlor sounds like a good idea too, I'll check it out. You're right, probably heavy use for a few days then none for a week.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: "Ozone hard on the equipment" (??)- new tub coming
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2016, 01:03:21 am »


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