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Author Topic: Just got a hot tub.. is Spa Frog enough?  (Read 4577 times)


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Just got a hot tub.. is Spa Frog enough?
« on: May 10, 2016, 07:42:50 pm »
Hi everyone! I just bought a house and the Jacuzzi J-465 hot tub came included. It has ClearRay UV filter, and we're adding an ozonator.

This is my first time owning a hot tub and I want our chemical use to be as low as possible. With the UV filter and ozonator running, I'm hoping that a low level of bromine will enough to keep the water clean.

I'm leaning toward using the floating Spa Frog system. Any thoughts?

Hot Tub Forum

Just got a hot tub.. is Spa Frog enough?
« on: May 10, 2016, 07:42:50 pm »

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Just got a hot tub.. is Spa Frog enough?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2016, 10:40:57 am »
I sell chlorine, bromine, Nature II (a Spa Frog contemporary) and @ease.  I've done most other sanitizers as well.  As long as you keep pH and alkalinity balanced, I've never been one to push a specific sanitizer.  I just tell ya the pros and cons of each and let you decide, as all water needs a sanitizer and its up to the user to make sure the water is treated and balanced at all times.

As far as ozone and filtration:  They are nice but they're merely assistants to the water treatment.  Ozone, nor filters, will not clean up green/cloudy water.  Thats all about water chemistry and the products used. 

Thus- Keep the pH and the alkalinity balanced and whatever sanitizer you choose make sure it has the desired amount of sanitizer in it at all times.  All other products aren't unnecessary, per se.  I just prefer to have the basics down and then if you need additional products, then I help my customers identify them based on whatever is going on in their water.  Im a "Less is More" guy:  Dont cut corners, but get the basics and if you need something else, get it.  If you don't then dont worry about it.

Make sense?  Good luck moving forward.


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Re: Just got a hot tub.. is Spa Frog enough?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2016, 05:52:36 pm »
I sell chlorine, bromine, Nature II (a Spa Frog contemporary) and @ease.  I've done most other sanitizers as well.  As long as you keep pH and alkalinity balanced, I've never been one to push a specific sanitizer.  I just tell ya the pros and cons of each and let you decide, as all water needs a sanitizer and its up to the user to make sure the water is treated and balanced at all times.

As far as ozone and filtration:  They are nice but they're merely assistants to the water treatment.  Ozone, nor filters, will not clean up green/cloudy water.  Thats all about water chemistry and the products used. 

Thus- Keep the pH and the alkalinity balanced and whatever sanitizer you choose make sure it has the desired amount of sanitizer in it at all times.  All other products aren't unnecessary, per se.  I just prefer to have the basics down and then if you need additional products, then I help my customers identify them based on whatever is going on in their water.  Im a "Less is More" guy:  Dont cut corners, but get the basics and if you need something else, get it.  If you don't then dont worry about it.

Make sense?  Good luck moving forward.

This is very good advice.

Hydrotherapy Guru

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Re: Just got a hot tub.. is Spa Frog enough?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2016, 07:35:00 pm »
Allow me to recommend the TFP guide to spa water maintenance.

Bromine: http://www.troublefreepool.com/threads/84-How-do-I-use-Bromine-in-my-spa-(or-pool)

Chlorine: http://www.troublefreepool.com/threads/9670-How-do-I-use-Chlorine-in-my-Spa-(or-pool)

Personally, I went with Chlorine as I also have a pool and didn't want to maintain two sets of chemicals.

Good luck!


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Re: Just got a hot tub.. is Spa Frog enough?
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2016, 07:53:43 pm »
Thanks for the tips!

We need a bromine system because my wife doesn't react well to chlorine. So this is what I'm planning to do:

- Minimize chemical usage through a combination of mineral stick, UV filter, and ozonator.

- Shock using MPS (the brand in the local store is Spa Boss). With the ozonator etc, I'm hoping we only need to do this once or twice a month.

- Use a floating bromine dispenser to maintain bromine level of around 2ppm. This is what is recommended in the spa manual, for spas that have the UV filter installed.

Does that make sense?

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Just got a hot tub.. is Spa Frog enough?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2016, 02:58:02 pm »
Please note that unless otherwise specified- Most ozone generators only last about one year before needing replacement.  Ozonators inject o3 into the water killing up to 20% of the bacteria.  Thus, you use (theoretically) 20% less chemicals.  But on the flip side- It isn't the best practice to think you're going to use "X" amount of sanitizer as a blanket statement.

Think:  If you sometimes cook for 2 people, other times for 6 people, etc, you don't buy and cook the same amount of food.  You adjust as necessary, buying and cooking the amount you need based on who you're feeding.  Its the same for sanitizers:  If you use the tub 4 days one week (2 people for 30 mins each time) and the next week 2 days (one person for 20 mins) you may have different sanitizer requirements. 

That is why shocking and bromine usage may vary.  If you have a very regimented schedule and use your tub in the same manner every week, then you'll be fine.  Just know that if your schedule, time and number of users vary, so will your sanitizer requirements.

Hope this helps.  God luck moving forward.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Just got a hot tub.. is Spa Frog enough?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2016, 02:58:02 pm »


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