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Author Topic: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs  (Read 6906 times)


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Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« on: July 16, 2004, 09:46:33 pm »
My husband and I are buying our first hot tub.  He does not have any preferences other than jets for his hamstrings.  We found the Marquis Everyday tubs (model 636 and 530) to have the jets in the lounger that will work this area, but we cannot find any other hot tubs that have jets for the upper legs, which surprises me.

We're currently looking at the Everyday 626 and 530 Marquis tubs as well as the Reward (which unfortunately does not have these jets in the lounger).  Does anyone have any info on these tubs?  It's hard to find info on the Everyday line of hot tubs.  

Also, anyone have any input into the jets for the hamstrings?  We want to make sure we're considering all the facts before we buy.


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Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« on: July 16, 2004, 09:46:33 pm »


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2004, 10:42:57 pm »
I'm actually not a fan of hamstring jets in the lounge. It is just one more thing to possibly make you float. I sat in the 636 and it has a four great hamstring jets in the first corner seat to the right of the control. Wet teest is and see.


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2004, 10:27:28 am »
Thanks for the comments.  We wet tested the Euphoria and the 530 but the 636 and Reward were not filled.  I have to ask if they'll arrange for us to wet test those.  Hopefully that will make our decision easier.

My other concern is that the 636 (with ozinator option and Spa Frog option)  is only about $600 less than the Silver Aniversary Reward, however the 636 has less 'premium' features and you lose 2 years off the warranty.  That seems like a lot to lose for a mere $600.  But if the 636 has the features we want..... that's our dilemma.


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2004, 10:45:38 am »
You should look at the standard reward (not the SA). It has a lot of feature including the ozone and frog in addition an incredible whirlpool system. I think that if the dealer really wants a sale they would be happy to fill it for you. Otherwise tell them that if they give you a 30-satisfaction guarantee you will just test it at home. Either way I don’t think you can lose with that spa! BTW, it should be priced close to the 636.


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2004, 12:07:26 pm »
With the SA Reward, I believe you get more HK40 jets and a bigger second pump.  It also circulates more water than the regular reward.  But, in your opinion, does having the whirlpool feature outweigh these benefits?  I'm only asking because since I'm a first time buyer, it's helpful to hear what other people who have hot tubs think versus what you yourself imagine you would want.

Thanks for your input - it's greatly appreciated.



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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2004, 12:29:50 pm »
Take a look at the Caldera spas with the Euphoria jet.

Its a very powerful jet in the bottom used for upper thigh and butt. Be sure to pull the nozzle out for 40% more pressure.


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2004, 01:03:44 pm »
With the SA Reward, I believe you get more HK40 jets and a bigger second pump.  It also circulates more water than the regular reward.  But, in your opinion, does having the whirlpool feature outweigh these benefits?  I'm only asking because since I'm a first time buyer, it's helpful to hear what other people who have hot tubs think versus what you yourself imagine you would want.

I really like the SA Reward! Yes I do love the Whirlpool jets but if you want to save a few $$$ then the Standard Reward is a great option. With less plumbing and less HK40 jets you actually get more power out of the whirlpool jets.


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2004, 01:55:16 pm »
I was quoted these prices (incl. delivery and installation and cover):

Reward - $7489 (minus $200 internet coupon)

SA Reward - $7733 (minus $200 internet coupon)

Everyday 636 - $7178 (including Spa Frog system and ozinator options; minus $200 internet coupton)

Everyday 530 - $6389 (including Spa Frog system and ozinator options; minus $200 internet coupton)

The cover lifter is $259 but the store is running a special for $200 off the lifter.


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2004, 02:55:57 pm »
Pretty much all of the Catalina spas with lounge seats have jets that jun up and down the legs. If they begin to make you float, turn them down a bit.
If you like it and you want it BUY IT!


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2004, 03:43:33 pm »
There's a lot to choose from on the Catalina web site.  How do I find out if any dealers carry their products locally?  I only saw the link to email a state rep.  Most sites let you key in your zip code and tell you where to go that's closest to your home.


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2004, 08:15:24 pm »
Yeah, that's the only real bummer. But if you just e-mail the rep, he/she will not contact you, but will send your information on to the local dealer who should contact you via e-mail or regular mail. It is my suggestion that you do not include your phone number unles you want an agressive salesman calling you wondering when you are going to come in and look/buy a hot tub! Not that there's anything wrong with that! I just don't like being called at home. I wish there was a do not call list for businesses. I get about 10 unsolicited sales calls a day, ARGH!
If you like it and you want it BUY IT!


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2004, 06:47:31 am »
Thanks for the info.  The Marquis dealer I'm working with has been really good.  No phone calls at home, just a post card in the mail.  But when I call her with questions or stop in the show room, she's been really nice - answers my questions and does not push me.  That has made the whole experience a positive one from that angle.  

My kids like the store too because they got free beach balls and water bottles from them  :-)


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2004, 08:15:52 am »
I expect to wet test a Marquis Reward later today. I've had a difficult experience with making an appointment to wet test at my dealership and hoping he can find time for me today.  I'm looking forward to trying out the tub and I'll let you know what I think!



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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2004, 09:48:40 am »
Good luck!  I'd really love to hear what you think of the Reward.  Just in case they have a 636 filled, see if you can jump in and let me know how the two compare.  I'd also be curious as to how your dealer views the Everyday line as compared to the Premium line.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Have fun!


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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2004, 12:34:19 pm »
With the SA Reward, I believe you get more HK40 jets and a bigger second pump.  It also circulates more water than the regular reward.  But, in your opinion, does having the whirlpool feature outweigh these benefits?
Yep, you get 30 more gallons per minute out of one half of the tub with the SA and more jets in the seats instead of the whirlpool jets. You wanted opinion so here it is... in the non-SA I loved the whirlpool and my favorite "seat" was the post seat that pushes 100% of both pumps to one location - you don't get that in the SA. A few of the added jets in the SA were nice, especially the seat opposite the lounge with the foot jets "under the lounge", but ultimately I found no significant difference with the extra 30 gpm flowing through half of the tub. The reward is a fantastic tub, it was the most comfortable lounger I tested and it helped me determine that I did not want a lounger - I went with the Euphoria (not SA).

Bottom line, you need to wet test both to know what you like. Travel out of area to wet test if you need to. Marquis is pushing their SA over their non SA versions which is trickling down to the dealers - let your experience determine which is better for you.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2004, 01:11:52 pm by empolgation »

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Re: Hamstrings/Marquis Everyday Tubs
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2004, 12:34:19 pm »


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