I have had my hot tub up and running for maybe 6 months and have not had any issues until tonight. I noticed the water fall thing was running, but not the jets. Normally, when the temp is low and the tub is heating, the first pump turns on automatically and some of the jets push water through and the water fall has water running out.
I have not seen it do this before. The water coming out of the water fall is really slow. I tried turning the heat way down to get it to shut off but it didn't. It has been running like that for at least 3 or 4 hours since I noticed it, maybe longer.
If I press the pump one button(it has two speeds normally), the pump one jets go full speed. If I press it again, it turns off, except for the waterfall. The pump two button works like it always has.
Hope that makes sense. Any clues to what the problem might be?