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Author Topic: Bullfrog R6/R6L vs. Hot Springs Relay/Rhythm vs. Jacuzzi J-325 vs. Sundance  (Read 4423 times)


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So I'm looking for something from a quality brand that is sold by a dealer decently proximate to me.  Looks like Bullfrog, Hot Springs, and Jacuzzi are the brands that fit the bill.  That said, I'm having trouble making sure that what I'm looking at matches what I think I need out of my spa.  I have yet to do any wet testing as I wrap my head around the options.

Essentially, I want a quality brand for the durability, but not too many bells and whistles.  I could theoretically go smaller that the models I listed in the title, but I like the option of at least every once in a while having more than two people in the spa, and some of the ones smaller than what I've listed, like the Bullfrog R5L, look too small for any more than three.

So, all that said, does anyone have any thoughts on the models listed?  I know that one huge factor is going to be the wet test and then the quality of the dealer.  I'm a bit afraid with the quality of the dealer issue, since around me there don't seem to be many options.

EDIT: Also going to add in Sundance Edison/Peyton, which I found at a decently close dealer.  Said they were $6,200 after a quick call.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 02:14:11 pm by bean »

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There are therapeutic tubs and there are social party tubs. As to size we have a 8’x8’ six person tub and 90% of the time there is only one or two of us in it. each seat does a different thing and we move around. We have had it a year now and we have had 4 in it a couple of times and 5 only once and I wouldn’t go smaller if I could get away with it. IMO there is no more work / upkeep to a big one than a small one and they get small really quick. Keep in mind all the models in the pictures are tiny people and 12 feet in the foot well of a small 6 person is a lot of feet. I always figured more water with less people means longer better water life. Filters and such are designed around the size of the tub so everything gets longer life. If you are tall a deeper tub is amazing a couple inches make’s a huge difference. Most tubs have a couple seats that are higher for your shorter friends. Go as big as you can based on space and budget is my advice. With 2 people I say a min 4 seat tub. 

good luck you will love it. even sit in empty ones when you go shopping but know it feels a lot better when you are floating.


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It's also fun to turn the heat off in the summer and use a floaty, so you should be able to lay out even if it's corner to corner. I'm 6'2


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I have a R6L, and wet tested the HS Relay and Jacuzzi J-325 before my recent purchase.  The comfort of the lounge in the R6L and the quality of the dealer was what really made the decision process easy for us. 
Bullfrog says that the R6L is a 5-6 person tub, but I'd say 4 max.  Make sure you test as many jet packs in the Bullfrog as possible.  You should be able to get a R6L down close to the the $6200 price you mentioned, including delivery, ozone, cover, chems.


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I have a 2 year old Jacuzzi J325. Nice tub that replaced a 22 year old Hot Springs Prodigy. I went with the Jacuzzi over the Hot Springs due to the dealer. If you are a new tub buyer I think a very important thing to decide is lounger or no lounger. Good Luck.

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