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Author Topic: Hydropool, Bulfrog, or Coast?  (Read 23484 times)


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Re: Hydropool, Bulfrog, or Coast?
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2016, 11:29:26 am »

Actually I believe the Bullfrog uses a molded fibreglass backing with an acrylic layer just like everyone else - haven't seen anything to make me think otherwise. The ABS is in the frame construction, supports, and one-piece molded base - no wood or steel to support the fibreglass/acrylic shell.

According to the brochure that we were provided with the shell is "Durable 3-Layer Shell: Beautiful acrylic surface is chemically bonded to a tough ABS layer and then backed with a dense coat of polyurethane rigidizer."  No fiber glass mentioned.  I couldn't find anything on the website about the materials used.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hydropool, Bulfrog, or Coast?
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2016, 11:29:26 am »


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Re: Hydropool, Bulfrog, or Coast?
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2016, 11:47:43 am »

Actually I believe the Bullfrog uses a molded fibreglass backing with an acrylic layer just like everyone else - haven't seen anything to make me think otherwise. The ABS is in the frame construction, supports, and one-piece molded base - no wood or steel to support the fibreglass/acrylic shell.

According to the brochure that we were provided with the shell is "Durable 3-Layer Shell: Beautiful acrylic surface is chemically bonded to a tough ABS layer and then backed with a dense coat of polyurethane rigidizer."  No fiber glass mentioned.  I couldn't find anything on the website about the materials used.

No Fiberglass...not sure if they can even use it in Utah (where Bullfrog is built), I know in California it is regulated so strictly that most companies including Watkins now produce all of their "fiberglass backed" spas in Mexico to avoid regulation


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Re: Hydropool, Bulfrog, or Coast?
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2016, 12:13:49 pm »
Oh, is there something wrong with fiberglass?  Some sort of safety or health issue that is why it is not permitted?  Do you know what the advantage of ABS is?  Or simply that it is permitted while fiberglass isn't?


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Re: Hydropool, Bulfrog, or Coast?
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2016, 12:53:22 pm »
Oh, is there something wrong with fiberglass?  Some sort of safety or health issue that is why it is not permitted?  Do you know what the advantage of ABS is?  Or simply that it is permitted while fiberglass isn't?

There's nothing "wrong" with it per see, its used in thousands of products we use, but California is well California so they have it very strictly regulated which has effected numerous industries, Hot Tubs, Surfboards, etc.....this is MY OWN pure speculation but between the regulations and the fact they can source cheaper labor is the main reasons why Watkins, Jacuzzi/Sundance, and others moved from Cali to Mexico...again just my thoughts, maybe someone has more insight on this then me

As far as whats "better"....I don't have that answer, all I can tell you is Hot Tub manufacturers especially the "big boys" aren't stupid, If a ABS backed spa has the same shell warranty as a Fiberglass backed spa then at the end of the day it would be my conclusion that both will perform equally over 10-14 years which is the typical number of years someone will own a spa before they up-size/downsize/buy a new tub for the latest features, etc.

I can also tell you without a doubt Bullfrog stands behind their products, they've even went "above & beyond" for us in MANY circumstances where technically an issue was non-warranty but they still covered it for us which was typically on smaller items but still, its shows they care....good luck


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Re: Hydropool, Bulfrog, or Coast?
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2016, 10:21:08 pm »
According to the brochure that we were provided with the shell is "Durable 3-Layer Shell: Beautiful acrylic surface is chemically bonded to a tough ABS layer and then backed with a dense coat of polyurethane rigidizer."  No fiber glass mentioned.  I couldn't find anything on the website about the materials used.
Oh wow...I did a search for a brochure and found the same thing - sounds like they use an ABS molded shell structure, on top of an ABS frame and base. Perhaps they use ABS because it's easier to work with for the large jetpak plumbing holes?


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Re: Hydropool, Bulfrog, or Coast?
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2016, 02:32:22 pm »
Fiberglass backed acrylic vs. abs backed is going down the rabbit hole/.  Sales guys are getting you concerned with unimportant things.  Don't let that difference affect your decision one way or another.  Both methods work fine.  I have both types on my floor and I don't even bring it up.  They both last for many many years.

You are being distracted with things you shouldn't worry about.  Pillows need replaced at some point.  No big deal.  You replace your bed pillows regularly, right?

As far as comparing the manufacturers, Hydropool and Coast are not in the same league as Bullfrog in my opinion.  Having sold quite a few different brands over the years, hydropool and Coast are nowhere on my radar as a top end tub.  They are just 2 more middle of the road manufacturers among hundreds.  Nothing necessarily bad, but certainly not of Bullfrog caliber.

Good luck!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hydropool, Bulfrog, or Coast?
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2016, 02:32:22 pm »


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