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Author Topic: New to hot tubs  (Read 11244 times)


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New to hot tubs
« on: March 26, 2016, 08:54:19 am »
I am just starting my search for a hot tub to be semi flush in my deck. I live in Maine. Well after checking out these forums and a couple company websites, I have narrowed between the Hotsprings Highlife Grandee/Envoy(Not sure I want the added size of Grandee yet), or the Bullfrog A7L. Just for budgeting purposes, I contacted a dealer about the Envoy/Grandee pricing. They responded with 19.5 for the Grandee NXT and 19 for the Envoy. The non NXT versions were going to be slightly under 18K. Reading these forums, that seems to be some of the highest prices for these tubs. Should i even try to work with these guys or find another dealer that starts a bit lower? Thanks for any advice in advance.


Hot Tub Forum

New to hot tubs
« on: March 26, 2016, 08:54:19 am »


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2016, 11:30:06 am »
Grandee and Grandee NXT should fall in the 12-15K range depending on options, they are quoting you some imaginary MSRP number which is typical among some dealers if it is very obvious you're "kicking tires" or if you simply called and asked for a price over the phone.  The time to whittle down the price is when you've done your due diligence, wet testing, etc. and have checkbook/credit card in hand and are ready to buy


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2016, 02:19:03 pm »
I am just starting my search for a hot tub to be semi flush in my deck. I live in Maine. Well after checking out these forums and a couple company websites, I have narrowed between the Hotsprings Highlife Grandee/Envoy(Not sure I want the added size of Grandee yet), or the Bullfrog A7L. Just for budgeting purposes, I contacted a dealer about the Envoy/Grandee pricing. They responded with 19.5 for the Grandee NXT and 19 for the Envoy. The non NXT versions were going to be slightly under 18K. Reading these forums, that seems to be some of the highest prices for these tubs. Should i even try to work with these guys or find another dealer that starts a bit lower? Thanks for any advice in advance.
As mentioned, those prices are full list prices and the dealer isn't taking you seriously yet. You'd have to go in to the store for a wet test and then talk prices once they know you're serious about making a purchase.

Oddly enough I contacted 2 Bullfrog dealers and one did the same thing, written quote at full list. The other quoted a decent price (also in writing) so I wouldn't have to haggle very much. They also followed up with further contact and they clearly wanted to get my business. The other shop didn't seem to care and never followed up, but they're closer to me by about 20km so I'd rather deal with them. The good thing is I know the prices now and what I can expect to pay from either dealer.


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2016, 04:56:18 pm »
OK I was hoping that was the case. That shop is several hours from me for the Grandee and Envoy. I have a dealer closer that I am going to this week. Well 2 actually that sell the ones I am looking at. Thanks for the advice.


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2016, 05:17:05 pm »
I paid 12.1K for a Grandee (non-nxt, no Ace or stereo) in February. It came with delivery and all the accoutrements. I live in Washington state. I could have gotten an Envoy for around 10.5-11K.


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2016, 07:41:48 pm »
Went and checked out Bullfrogs today. A8 12500, A7L 11000. installed with chemicals and cover and such. Going this week to look at the HS models and see what I think of them. The BF dealer said there is wiggle room in their pricing but not an extreme amount. The BF numbers were for a new one ordered the way I want it.



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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2016, 11:49:39 pm »
Went and checked out Bullfrogs today. A8 12500, A7L 11000. installed with chemicals and cover and such. Going this week to look at the HS models and see what I think of them. The BF dealer said there is wiggle room in their pricing but not an extreme amount. The BF numbers were for a new one ordered the way I want it.
Did you wet test? What they look like and how much they cost won't mean squat if you get it home and find it's not what you want. How a tub feels is very important or you won't enjoy it as much as would the "right" tub. Check out and wet test as many as possible.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 12:03:07 am by Compatico »


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2016, 05:22:05 pm »
Not gonna buy without testing. but want to make sure I'm within my price range. Otherwise it is useless to even test the ones out of my range. I have awhile tip Im ready to buy yet. On a side note I went to another HS dealer today and it was better pricing than the other place by almost 7K. 12K for the grandee non nxt. And 11K for the envoy. So now options I have to decide on are whether we want a lounger in the tub, whether we want the options the BF tubs give with the jetpacks, whether it fits us depth wise with the build of the seating, and whether we like the user interfaces. In no way will I buy without wet testing. it is difficult when the places all close during the week at 5 and I can't get there til after 4 pm. The other half finally has a saturday off and we are gonna go out and start this weekend.

I will say I was more impressed at the first place I went as far as customer service than the next one.

What other tubs should I be checking in the same approximate price range as the A8 and Grandee? I know there are tons out there and the price points are all over the place but just want to make sure I get all the competitors. I have read lots of reviews on here and lots of threads but I just am not sure except for the fact that these 2 seem to come up a lot.



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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2016, 05:34:24 pm »
Oh yeah and I had a question about a comment made from the one. "With the Ozone system, you don't need chemicals." The water won't be like getting in a pool. Is that actually correct? From what I read here it seems all these tubs need chemicals. Maybe that isn't what he meant to say Im not sure though. To me that would be a huge advantage as a lot less work and never having to buy that stuff, I just don't believe that. Can anyone who may sell these things please advise.

As I have read you still need them, but maybe not as much...

« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 05:36:48 pm by Gibs »


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2016, 07:48:23 pm »
There are a lot of good choices in that price range, who else is in your area?

Ozone WILL NOT sanitize your hot tub. You need to balance your water through adjustments in PH and Alkilitity and sanitize. I don't like the term "chemicals" but your making adjustments to your waters balance to make it almost neutral. Which is better water than untreated water. Same with sanitation, your adding disinfectant to your water. Better on your skin and pours and lungs to have clean water rather than dirty water.


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2016, 08:07:01 pm »
Dimension 1, Hot Spot, Caldera, saratoga. Jacuzzi is within an hour drive.  I think one of the guys on here is another The Hot Tub Guy but he is a little ways out there from us?

I did look at the sundance and Nordic ones at the first place also.


Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2016, 08:07:29 pm »
There are a lot of good choices in that price range, who else is in your area?

Ozone WILL NOT sanitize your hot tub. You need to balance your water through adjustments in PH and Alkilitity and sanitize. I don't like the term "chemicals" but your making adjustments to your waters balance to make it almost neutral. Which is better water than untreated water. Same with sanitation, your adding disinfectant to your water. Better on your skin and pours and lungs to have clean water rather than dirty water.

  Good advice here!

  As for wet testing any store should be able to accommodate after hours.  I have done wet test for customers as late as 8 at night. You are making a hefty purchase, but that being said try going in early Saturday Morning. 


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2016, 09:57:00 pm »
There are a lot of good choices in that price range, who else is in your area?

Ozone WILL NOT sanitize your hot tub. You need to balance your water through adjustments in PH and Alkilitity and sanitize. I don't like the term "chemicals" but your making adjustments to your waters balance to make it almost neutral. Which is better water than untreated water. Same with sanitation, your adding disinfectant to your water. Better on your skin and pours and lungs to have clean water rather than dirty water.

  Good advice here!

  As for wet testing any store should be able to accommodate after hours.  I have done wet test for customers as late as 8 at night. You are making a hefty purchase, but that being said try going in early Saturday Morning.

I have done that also and many times before opening. I'm actually in the process of building a bamboo hut set in the back of my store where I plan on filling a couple tubs that will give people some privacy. I don't know where you are in Maine but if you are close to nh there are many brands represented in the Amherst area


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2016, 11:32:43 pm »
Not gonna buy without testing. but want to make sure I'm within my price range. Otherwise it is useless to even test the ones out of my range. I have awhile tip Im ready to buy yet. On a side note I went to another HS dealer today and it was better pricing than the other place by almost 7K.
That just means one place is pricing at list until they get you into the store and then you can get a realistic price quote.
will say I was more impressed at the first place I went as far as customer service than the next one.
That's part of the search process...some dealers are not great.
What other tubs should I be checking in the same approximate price range as the A8 and Grandee?
Just look at everything within your driving range. All tubs are different with different designs and therapy concepts. What you like I may hate, or vice versa. I've seen some really nice tubs that had lighting I didn't like. Or footwells full of jets that we don't want. Or pumps that only come on at high when I want dual speed so I can relax more quietly without the strong therapy of the jets.

That's why it's good to look at all brands to see what's out there.


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Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2016, 11:41:58 pm »
Oh yeah and I had a question about a comment made from the one. "With the Ozone system, you don't need chemicals."
That dealer was either lying or ignorant of the facts. Ozone is supposed to help to keep the tub clean, but you MUST use a sanitizer like chlorine or bromine if you intend to ever use the tub. If you just want to "Jones it" and never ever go in it then you might be able to fill it with clean water and run the ozone all day and keep it clean. But use it once and you'll need sanitizer because our bodies are always contaminated with some bacteria even right after a shower or bath.

Speaking of that, we always do a quick rinse off shower before using the tub. It really helps with reducing contaminants into the tub and extends water changes somewhat. I also rinse the filters every weekend and change them out with a spare set every month - the other set gets sanitized and dried till the next swap. Keeping the filters clean helps reduce the sanitizer demand because the filters don't kill contaminants, they just trap them so the sanitizer can work on them and keep them from floating around the tub. Remove those contaminants and you don't need as much sanitizer. Doing this I found it very easy to maintain water quality even using the tub on average 6 days a week with the two of us.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New to hot tubs
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2016, 11:41:58 pm »


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