Hi Halo! Hey, I might be off base. . .I'm a total newb to hottubs (waiting delivery) but I've sure bought and owned a lot of stuff in my life!
I see it this way: If you owned a business and get a random call, "You're $10? I called the other guy and he's $9.50, what will you do?" Would you play price wars over the phone so the caller can phone the other guy back and say, "hey, the other guy is $9.25. . ."
I think you'll do a lot better if you get in the car and "look 'em in the eye." I know you'll also get a better feel for the dealership when you are there vs. the phone. (and of course, don't forget it's just fun hanging out in showrooms looking at the darn things!) I say get in the car

Just my 2c.