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Author Topic: Chloramines?  (Read 1939 times)


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« on: March 18, 2016, 10:15:45 am »
Hi all, and thanks in advance for any feedback.  So I have a 400 gallon Sundance Spa and keep a close eye on it with the Taylor K 2006 kit.  I refilled it in January last as it seemed to be eating my chlorine up as fast as I put it in.  The CYA had rose I assume.......  Anyhow, now I am more in control after purchasing the kit.  So since January, there is minimal usage ie 2 people using for 15 -20 mins individually in total.  (we prefer tubbing in warmer months)  I have been keeping on top with chlorine (trichlor)  Realized that i can use a lot less than my company told us to add!!!!  But here's the thing, my water is spotless and chrystal clear.  Has no smell.  My water is stable with SI 0.1.  My pH is 7.6, Alk is 110, Hardness is 150, FC is 4.4 but the combined chlorine is between 0.2-0.4.  The CYA is 90-100.  Should I be worried about these chloramines and CYA levels?  I shocked the tub with MPS last on March 10th for CC of 0.4, on March 14th it was CC 0.4 so I shocked again with more MPS (using as per guidelines on bottle/tub size).  I can't seem to get rid of the chloramines.  Yesterday it was again 0.4 and no one has used it in over a week.  Also what do people do when they go on vacation?  I am going away in May for 2 weeks.  If I don't add the chlorine daily or every few days the water will turn for sure!!!!!

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« on: March 18, 2016, 10:15:45 am »


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Re: Chloramines?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2016, 04:30:04 pm »
Chloramines are just the used chlorine. A Taylor kit may read the non chlorine shock as chloramines (not sure which kit as I read this a long time ago ... could be all kits).

What to do when you go away - shock it with chlorine, lower the temp and then shock with chlorine when you get home.

Do you add enough chlorine to get 3 PPM 20 minutes after you add it? Although your CYA 90-100 (it is starting to get kind of high) the amount of chlorine you add can make a difference in your chloramines. Too little chlorine won't burn them off. Also you mentioned trichlor - that may be adding a lot of CYA to your water - Dichlor add's about the same PPM CYA as it does chlorine.


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Re: Chloramines?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2016, 06:30:35 pm »
I would try and work that PH down a bit and switch to liquid bleach. How old is your water? Did you say Jan?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Chloramines?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2016, 06:30:35 pm »


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