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Author Topic: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.  (Read 5301 times)


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Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:23:47 am »
The wife and I finally decided to replace our 14 year old Cal Spa Newporter 51 (an 800gallon 93x130 beast.)
It came with the house when we bought it 2 years ago; never got to really use the tub as it was leaking, and rotted out.

So far I've checked out:
- d1 (sarena bay - no wet test available of any tub)
- artesian (pelican bay - can wet test smaller dove canyon tub from same product line only)
- hot springs (limelight gleam - no wet test but I didn't even like the layout)
- caldera (cantabria - no wet test from any of the 3 dealers I found; only sister tubs from same product lines)
- sundance (aspen - no wet or dry test anywhere)

The only other one I want to try out is jacuzzi, but no real dealers in my area.

I big frustration I'm having is NO ONE, not a single dealer of the 8 that I've been to, will let me wet test the big tubs I'm looking at, and some dealers offer NO wet testing at all.

So, based on 'dry testing' alone, basically just trying to pick a seating layout we like, it's down to the Caldera Cantabria, and Artesian Pelican Bay.
I've basically driven 1.5 hour circle around where we live and the wet test just isn't available, so it's kind of a gamble and what's causing my second thoughts.

We found a decent deal on a Pelican Bay yesterday optioned out with the stereo system, crystal AOP purification, and a year of chemicals for 14,500; under 14 if I don't take their financing.
The other artesian dealer wanted 16,999 for the same tub without stereo, Crystal ProPure system, and startup chemicals only.

So, has anyone purchased 'dry' and been disappointed?  Is it OK just testing out the Dove Canyon to get an idea of the Pelican Bay?
Is Artesian even that good?  Information is kind of sparse.  I generally like the philospohy of "Keep it Simple", less parts, less things to brake.  But the pump per seat direct flow goes against that theory.  Ugh; I think if it was less expensive I wouldn't be so concerned.  What do you guys think?

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Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:23:47 am »

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2016, 11:48:35 am »
I am an Artesian Dealer so I am pretty biased.  Thus- Take my thoughts accordingly.  I just started recently with Artesian but have carried another major brand for over 20 years and I am likely to completely drop that line as I am (and my client base) so pleased with Artesian Spas.

The direct flow system is very nice as it maximizes plumbing efficiency and the numerous smaller motors are great for the GPM.  They also use switchless motors- that means they have 10-15 less moving parts than every other motor out there and I have gotten feedback from other dealers that their pumps really seem to last (based on lower amounts of service calls).  Plus their tubs are made in America, which is getting rarer in the industry, especially among top end brands.

Wet test the smaller tub (Dove Canyon) and if you like the pressure, and like the dry feel of the seat configuration of the Pelican Bay, your decision is practically made. 

IF (and that is a big if) you feel the dealer is reputable then that should cement the decision.  I go for physical comfort and dealer reputation, as the differences between the top end brands (like the brands you mentioned) are not a big as one would think.  The brands you mentioned are all pretty good (Yes- I am sure people can pick apart this or that, but overall they're pretty decent) so you have to look at other intangibles that dont reflect the brand but you and your values.

The stereo system is nice but that is the first thing I subtract if a customer is looking for a deal- as the way bluetooth speakers are really cheap nowadays and everyone has a phone, its a way to get a pretty good chunk of money off the deal if that is something you'd prefer.

Calderra and Artesian (along with Marquis) have the @EASE system built into the tubs now on their higher end units and you'll like it.  I sell Nature II, Chlorine and Bromine to my clients and @EASE is very encouraging.  Read up on that and I feel you'll enjoy it.

I hope that this helps you out.  I am sure others can speak to the other brands you've mentioned, so I'll let them explain their benefits as I do not handle those brands.


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Re: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2016, 08:15:36 pm »
Definitely do a water test.  If they don't allow it, move on.  Personally it helped me buy the Bullfrog spa.


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Re: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2016, 10:13:02 pm »
Definitely do a water test.  If they don't allow it, move on.  Personally it helped me buy the Bullfrog spa.

Seems he has no dealers that offer that. Whereabouts in the country are you?


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Re: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2016, 10:47:32 am »
I'm located on the southern NJ coast.


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Re: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2016, 05:16:12 pm »
Definitely do a water test.  If they don't allow it, move on.  Personally it helped me buy the Bullfrog spa.

Seems he has no dealers that offer that. Whereabouts in the country are you?

I think testing a tub will be an advantage even if it wasn't the same model. If the size is close. Give you a chance to see how accommodating a vendor/manufacturer can be. Is the tub quiet? Does the fit and finish seem nice enough? Is the mold surface comfy/bumpy? Controls?

That's a lot of money.........


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Re: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2016, 06:44:36 pm »
Have you tried landi's pools and games in Millville. I know he carries caldera and Clearwater. Maybe try them for wet testing.  Have met a couple of the guys there and they seem like good people


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Re: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2016, 11:40:01 am »
The wife and I finally decided to replace our 14 year old Cal Spa Newporter 51 (an 800gallon 93x130 beast.)
It came with the house when we bought it 2 years ago; never got to really use the tub as it was leaking, and rotted out.

So far I've checked out:
- d1 (sarena bay - no wet test available of any tub)
- artesian (pelican bay - can wet test smaller dove canyon tub from same product line only)
- hot springs (limelight gleam - no wet test but I didn't even like the layout)
- caldera (cantabria - no wet test from any of the 3 dealers I found; only sister tubs from same product lines)
- sundance (aspen - no wet or dry test anywhere)

The only other one I want to try out is jacuzzi, but no real dealers in my area.

I big frustration I'm having is NO ONE, not a single dealer of the 8 that I've been to, will let me wet test the big tubs I'm looking at, and some dealers offer NO wet testing at all.

So, based on 'dry testing' alone, basically just trying to pick a seating layout we like, it's down to the Caldera Cantabria, and Artesian Pelican Bay.
I've basically driven 1.5 hour circle around where we live and the wet test just isn't available, so it's kind of a gamble and what's causing my second thoughts.

We found a decent deal on a Pelican Bay yesterday optioned out with the stereo system, crystal AOP purification, and a year of chemicals for 14,500; under 14 if I don't take their financing.
The other artesian dealer wanted 16,999 for the same tub without stereo, Crystal ProPure system, and startup chemicals only.

So, has anyone purchased 'dry' and been disappointed?  Is it OK just testing out the Dove Canyon to get an idea of the Pelican Bay?
Is Artesian even that good?  Information is kind of sparse.  I generally like the philospohy of "Keep it Simple", less parts, less things to brake.  But the pump per seat direct flow goes against that theory.  Ugh; I think if it was less expensive I wouldn't be so concerned.  What do you guys think?

Welcome to the forum! Sorry to be late with that, health issues kept me away a few days. I fully understand your dilemma!  I'm fortunate enough in my area to have several dealers that not only allow, but encourage the wet test.  I bought my first tub in 2003 without a wet test. We did ok with it.  However after joining this forum and having been around here 10 years before my 2nd tub, we decided to do the wet test.  From my experience in the forum the dealers willingness to do this varies dramatically from place to place. Where do you call home?

Without trying to sound sexist, it seems to me that in MOST cases, women have the most problem with floating in certain model hot tubs. I assume there are anatomical reasons for that, and it may affect twiggy differently than Dolly  ;D Maybe that is out of line, but  We wet tested 5 or more models just at one location.   The Jacuzzi model I liked best my wife floated out of the seat and wasn't comfortable.  Some dealers will say they have belts or cushions, but we didn't want to deal with that.  99% of the time its my wife and I so, she has to be comfortable.  We ended up with a Sundance Majesta and its been 3 great years so far.  Looking at the two tubs dry I would say the seat back angle is different and that is what causes her to float.   If I was buying a tub again just for myself, I know enough to pick out what I would like, but when I am spending time with my wife, the wet test is very important to us.    Its a shame not everyone can have the buying experience I had in that regard. 
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2016, 02:48:14 pm »
Well; found a different one somewhere else and DID pull the trigger!!!!

However, I'm now stuck in the endless loop of red tape from my township, so it might be some time before we're finally hot tubbing :(

So, as of today, our brand new 2016 Artesian is sitting on the show room floor until we're able to get permits for install.  ugh.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Ready to pull the trigger but having second thoughts.
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2016, 02:48:14 pm »


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