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Author Topic: Ready to Purchase  (Read 3300 times)


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Ready to Purchase
« on: March 14, 2016, 09:35:39 am »
We have decided on a Jacuzzi J-375 after completing the wet tests, but still have a couple questions. For the cabinet color, is it harder to maintain the dark than the light color "wood"? Also, would like a Covermate 3, but in the picture it sits right below the lip, I want it to sit lower so it won't obstruct our view, has anybody done this? The instructions say for it to sit up high. Third, my dealer suggested a little under water vacuum, will I really use this?
This forum has been an integral part of my research and I want to thank everybody that participates in helping a newbie like me understand the purchase before I spend this kind of cash, THANK YOU ALL!!

Hot Tub Forum

Ready to Purchase
« on: March 14, 2016, 09:35:39 am »


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Re: Ready to Purchase
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2016, 06:03:54 pm »
We have decided on a Jacuzzi J-375 after completing the wet tests, but still have a couple questions. For the cabinet color, is it harder to maintain the dark than the light color "wood"? Also, would like a Covermate 3, but in the picture it sits right below the lip, I want it to sit lower so it won't obstruct our view, has anybody done this? The instructions say for it to sit up high. Third, my dealer suggested a little under water vacuum, will I really use this?
This forum has been an integral part of my research and I want to thank everybody that participates in helping a newbie like me understand the purchase before I spend this kind of cash, THANK YOU ALL!!

I would think a lighter color would be easier to maintain than a darker one but neutral would be best. There are a ton of cover lifter choices, not sure if they will all fit that tub but getting the cover out of the way was important to me also so I used the cover caddy. NO you do not need a water vacuum.


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Re: Ready to Purchase
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2016, 10:20:05 pm »
We have decided on a Jacuzzi J-375 after completing the wet tests, but still have a couple questions. For the cabinet color, is it harder to maintain the dark than the light color "wood"?
I won't buy a hot tub that uses wood cabinets anymore...I want maintenance free.
I'm not familiar with that model but if it has a maintenance free cabinet and you want advice on colour choice, I don't think it really matters - just pick the colour you like.
Also, would like a Covermate 3, but in the picture it sits right below the lip, I want it to sit lower so it won't obstruct our view, has anybody done this? The instructions say for it to sit up high.
I prefer the undermount cover lifters as they can be setup to put the cover at the same height as the tub, completely out of the way.
Third, my dealer suggested a little under water vacuum, will I really use this?
The only need for a "vacuum" is to suck up any little pebbles or sand that might collect at the bottom. I just went to a place like Home Depot and bought 10 feet of clear tubing and suck out anything on the bottom. Quick and easy.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 10:28:26 pm by Compatico »


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Re: Ready to Purchase
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2016, 10:31:05 pm »
Easy and free solution for getting small stones and sand off the bottom.  Take a small soda bottle and squeeze the air out above the water.  Then bring the bottle to the bottom of the tub while still squeezing.  Position over the debris and stop squeezing.  Should suck small stuff into the bottle.


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Re: Ready to Purchase
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2016, 05:51:19 am »
We have a 2014 Jacuzzi with dark cabinet and very easy to take care of. As far as a vacuum no but get a Grit-Gitter. Around $20 and works great.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Ready to Purchase
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2016, 05:51:19 am »


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