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Author Topic: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine  (Read 27335 times)


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Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« on: March 08, 2016, 04:01:04 pm »
SOOOO, I've read a few threads on here, but haven't found much info, or the info is from 4 years ago. Sorry if this is considered beating a dead horse.

My husband and I are looking for our first tub. Cash budget is about $8,000, although we would be comfortable going up to $10,000. We have visted Artesian, Arctic (and Coyote) as well as seen Marquis, Sundance, Jacuzzi and Hot Springs (his parents have the Vanguard, so we were already somewhat familiar with them) at a home and garden show.

My husband is 6', I'm 5'2. We need something that will fit us both.
4-7 people
3 pumps+
Seats that aren't SUPER molded and will fit his giant behind  ;)
Ozone or Saltwater (probably Ozone).

Here are the specific models:
Artesian Antigua
Artesian Grand Bahama
Hot Springs Pulse
Divine - http://www.costco.com/Divine-Hot-Tubs-Deluxe-Ultra-Massage-115-jet,-7-person-Spa.product.100152569.html

Please don't go into the "who will service it" BS... we live in Washington which is where the Divine's are manufactured. We even have an appointment with Divine to go see the spa in person next weekend. It's about an hour drive from us.
Tthe Artesian dealer here will test our water for free no matter where we buy from, are authorized to service it, and can order parts for whatever.

I'm looking for people with experience of all 3 companies. We are only interested in these companies, we have looked at plenty of tubs and are ready to pull the trigger.

Hot Tub Forum

Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« on: March 08, 2016, 04:01:04 pm »


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2016, 06:21:51 pm »
If your expecting the Divine to be as much tub as the others you will be wrong. It may be bigger, have more jets and pumps but will it last as long? Be as dependable? Will it have a good hydrotherapy feel? Or will it just be a big box of hot moving water that consumes more electricity?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2016, 06:58:17 pm »
SOOOO, I've read a few threads on here, but haven't found much info, or the info is from 4 years ago. Sorry if this is considered beating a dead horse.

My husband and I are looking for our first tub. Cash budget is about $8,000, although we would be comfortable going up to $10,000. We have visted Artesian, Arctic (and Coyote) as well as seen Marquis, Sundance, Jacuzzi and Hot Springs (his parents have the Vanguard, so we were already somewhat familiar with them) at a home and garden show.

My husband is 6', I'm 5'2. We need something that will fit us both.
4-7 people
3 pumps+
Seats that aren't SUPER molded and will fit his giant behind  ;)
Ozone or Saltwater (probably Ozone).

Here are the specific models:
Artesian Antigua
Artesian Grand Bahama
Hot Springs Pulse
Divine - http://www.costco.com/Divine-Hot-Tubs-Deluxe-Ultra-Massage-115-jet,-7-person-Spa.product.100152569.html

Please don't go into the "who will service it" BS... we live in Washington which is where the Divine's are manufactured. We even have an appointment with Divine to go see the spa in person next weekend. It's about an hour drive from us.
Tthe Artesian dealer here will test our water for free no matter where we buy from, are authorized to service it, and can order parts for whatever.

I'm looking for people with experience of all 3 companies. We are only interested in these companies, we have looked at plenty of tubs and are ready to pull the trigger.

 Actually it looks like they are made by Clearwater spas.    Where you at in Washington?   


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2016, 07:41:53 pm »
I have a friend who bought a tub from Costco in 2008. It was one of their higher end ones but I don't recall what brand. It is currently sitting idle because over half of the jets don't work. It also needs a new heater and one of the pumps doesn't work. He's pretty handy and has fixed a couple of other things on it. Your mileage may vary, and like I said, I'm not sure what brand his is. It sounds like it's been more of a pain then a pleasure for him.

I did look at Costco when I was researching mine. I love Costco and buy a lot of stuff there. The tubs look like a good value on paper. The Divine is made by Clearwater, and the local dealer here who sells L.A. Spas and Maxx told me that they sold Clearwater for a year and they were a nightmare to deal with and they had lots of problems with the spas. Maybe Costco swings a bigger stick but any company that treats their dealers like crap I would be wary of. Maybe other Clearwater dealers here will tell you a different story. I'm just reporting my anecdotal evidence.

Good luck with whatever you decide! I got a Hotspring and so far I love it. It was a hell of a lot more expensive than Costco, that's for sure, but it feels like money well spent.


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2016, 11:26:48 pm »
My husband is 6', I'm 5'2. We need something that will fit us both.
Same here...my wife and I are different so you need to find something that works for both of you.

There's a lot of good tubs out there...and there's some junk. Home Depot sells a tub for a decent price but it's mostly made in China and of mediocre quality - if price is all that matters then it's ok. Same goes for Costco - we like Costco but I would never buy a tub from them. For a serious tub user it's a waste of money. A tub that costs twice as much can be 10x better and well worth the extra money - this isn't something you buy and toss into a basement after a couple years.

Also I strongly suggest a WET-TEST. Make sure you try out the tub before pulling that trigger. While any one tub may look suitable and even a dry-test may feel good. The wet-test is critical as you may not like the therapeutic feel of the jets or jet placement. My wife and I hate neck-blaster jets, while others love them. Or you may not like other features that seemed good when looking at the model on the floor, such as a volcano-style jet that just pushes water straight up. Sounds and looks impressive, but you may not like it when using the tub. Never buy a tub without a wet-test.

Also don't be too concerned with jet counts, more jets does not mean better. One tub with 100 jets isn't necessarily better than a tub with 40 jets because every jet is counted, even the little bubble jets that have no merit other than to put air into the water. Or many small jets on your legs or back that irritate more than relieve. A well designed tub with good jets doesn't necessarily need a lot of jets to feel good. Wet-tests will let you see and feel the difference.

I do have a question about why you looked at the Hot Spring without a lounger when the others all have loungers? Was that just an error of model names?

And one last thing - did I mention wet-tests are important?  ;D
« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 11:32:34 pm by Compatico »


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2016, 06:42:11 am »
Maybe Costco swings a bigger stick but any company that treats their dealers like crap I would be wary of. Maybe other Clearwater dealers here will tell you a different story. I'm just reporting my anecdotal evidence.

Your absolutely right Costco does swing a bigger stick. But anyone who thinks manufacturers meet Costco pricing standards by selling the same product is being miss led. No one sells a 8000 dollar product to one guy for 4000 because they wield a bigger stick. They just sell them less product.


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2016, 07:39:28 am »

My husband is 6', I'm 5'2. We need something that will fit us both.

Please don't go into the "who will service it" BS... we live in Washington which is where the Divine's are manufactured.

Welcome to the forum!   There are frequent discussions about wet testing, IMO its even more helpful when there is 10" of height difference between the 2 people who will use it more.

I can't help detect just a bit of attitude in the service statement. Do you think someone from the factory will drive an hour to work on your tub because you are a neighbor?   I'm pretty sure most of the bigger companies treat all their customers the same regardless of where they live.  That said I haven't had the opportunity to see those Divine tubs, but I would check into local service companies, you will need them. They will probably require you to get parts from the factory, and then charge you for doing the work on your in warranty tub.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2016, 12:07:24 pm »
I have direct experience with all 3 of the brands you listed.  Run as fast as you can from divine.  They are garbage.  Hot Spring and Artesian are both high quality manufacturers with an excellent reputation.  Depending upon pricing, you are likely going to get much more bang for your buck with the Antigua than the Pulse.  In my opinion, Artesian provides fantastic value.  The hot spring is nicer looking and a great spa but I would still personally go Artesian.  I think Hot Spring are overpriced, though they are great spas.

If you get one of the Artesians you absolutely must get the foot blasters and their propure water management system.

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2016, 12:09:03 pm »
The points made in this thread are all valid and worthy of merit.  I feel that the number one factor is finding something that is comfortable for the both of you.  Wet tests are important as it allows you to feel the pressure of the jets, and gives you insight to the total experience.  With the two of you on the opposite ends of the height spectrum, name brands, models, etc. is irrelevant.  My meaning is:  I could talk to you until I am blue in the face about how great Artesian or Hot Springs is, but if you do not fit in it or are not comfortable, the point is moot.  You simply will not buy something that is not comfortable.

Additionally, I believe that the distributor/dealer is always HALF the equation.  No matter what.  Service is a big deal.  Warranty is a big deal.  Check reviews online and do research to see if the company is reputable.  Yes- I am an Artesian Spas dealer.  But if, for instance, the Artesian dealer near you isn't well received in the community then you may have to think twice about the purchase.  Same goes for the Hot Springs dealer.

But again- The points made by the other posters on this thread should not be discounted.  None of us have a proverbial dog in this fight and simply want to help you be the best-educated consumer you can be and make the best decision for the both of you.

Good luck moving forward.


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2016, 03:14:57 pm »
SOOOO, I've read a few threads on here, but haven't found much info, or the info is from 4 years ago. Sorry if this is considered beating a dead horse.

My husband and I are looking for our first tub. Cash budget is about $8,000, although we would be comfortable going up to $10,000. We have visted Artesian, Arctic (and Coyote) as well as seen Marquis, Sundance, Jacuzzi and Hot Springs (his parents have the Vanguard, so we were already somewhat familiar with them) at a home and garden show.

My husband is 6', I'm 5'2. We need something that will fit us both.
4-7 people
3 pumps+
Seats that aren't SUPER molded and will fit his giant behind  ;)
Ozone or Saltwater (probably Ozone).

Here are the specific models:
Artesian Antigua
Artesian Grand Bahama
Hot Springs Pulse
Divine - http://www.costco.com/Divine-Hot-Tubs-Deluxe-Ultra-Massage-115-jet,-7-person-Spa.product.100152569.html

Please don't go into the "who will service it" BS... we live in Washington which is where the Divine's are manufactured. We even have an appointment with Divine to go see the spa in person next weekend. It's about an hour drive from us.
Tthe Artesian dealer here will test our water for free no matter where we buy from, are authorized to service it, and can order parts for whatever.

I'm looking for people with experience of all 3 companies. We are only interested in these companies, we have looked at plenty of tubs and are ready to pull the trigger.

 Actually it looks like they are made by Clearwater spas.    Where you at in Washington?

We are about an hour south of Lacey. But I drive like a bat out of hell, so we would have a short commute lol.


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2016, 03:16:46 pm »
My husband is 6', I'm 5'2. We need something that will fit us both.
Same here...my wife and I are different so you need to find something that works for both of you.

There's a lot of good tubs out there...and there's some junk. Home Depot sells a tub for a decent price but it's mostly made in China and of mediocre quality - if price is all that matters then it's ok. Same goes for Costco - we like Costco but I would never buy a tub from them. For a serious tub user it's a waste of money. A tub that costs twice as much can be 10x better and well worth the extra money - this isn't something you buy and toss into a basement after a couple years.

Also I strongly suggest a WET-TEST. Make sure you try out the tub before pulling that trigger. While any one tub may look suitable and even a dry-test may feel good. The wet-test is critical as you may not like the therapeutic feel of the jets or jet placement. My wife and I hate neck-blaster jets, while others love them. Or you may not like other features that seemed good when looking at the model on the floor, such as a volcano-style jet that just pushes water straight up. Sounds and looks impressive, but you may not like it when using the tub. Never buy a tub without a wet-test.

Also don't be too concerned with jet counts, more jets does not mean better. One tub with 100 jets isn't necessarily better than a tub with 40 jets because every jet is counted, even the little bubble jets that have no merit other than to put air into the water. Or many small jets on your legs or back that irritate more than relieve. A well designed tub with good jets doesn't necessarily need a lot of jets to feel good. Wet-tests will let you see and feel the difference.

I do have a question about why you looked at the Hot Spring without a lounger when the others all have loungers? Was that just an error of model names?

And one last thing - did I mention wet-tests are important?  ;D

We didn't like how the lounges in the Hot Springs tubs felt. One of them, my whole face would have been under water. In another one, I fit great and loved it, but my husband's butt didn't fit lol


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2016, 03:19:57 pm »

My husband is 6', I'm 5'2. We need something that will fit us both.

Please don't go into the "who will service it" BS... we live in Washington which is where the Divine's are manufactured.

Welcome to the forum!   There are frequent discussions about wet testing, IMO its even more helpful when there is 10" of height difference between the 2 people who will use it more.

I can't help detect just a bit of attitude in the service statement. Do you think someone from the factory will drive an hour to work on your tub because you are a neighbor?   I'm pretty sure most of the bigger companies treat all their customers the same regardless of where they live.  That said I haven't had the opportunity to see those Divine tubs, but I would check into local service companies, you will need them. They will probably require you to get parts from the factory, and then charge you for doing the work on your in warranty tub.

Sorry, the "attitude" is in part because of the other threads on here mentioning Costco. The main response I saw was local vs an 800 number, and I wanted to point out that won't be the case. I also said the Artesian dealer near me is authorized to service the Divine tub.


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2016, 03:22:56 pm »
The points made in this thread are all valid and worthy of merit.  I feel that the number one factor is finding something that is comfortable for the both of you.  Wet tests are important as it allows you to feel the pressure of the jets, and gives you insight to the total experience.  With the two of you on the opposite ends of the height spectrum, name brands, models, etc. is irrelevant.  My meaning is:  I could talk to you until I am blue in the face about how great Artesian or Hot Springs is, but if you do not fit in it or are not comfortable, the point is moot.  You simply will not buy something that is not comfortable.

Additionally, I believe that the distributor/dealer is always HALF the equation.  No matter what.  Service is a big deal.  Warranty is a big deal.  Check reviews online and do research to see if the company is reputable.  Yes- I am an Artesian Spas dealer.  But if, for instance, the Artesian dealer near you isn't well received in the community then you may have to think twice about the purchase.  Same goes for the Hot Springs dealer.

But again- The points made by the other posters on this thread should not be discounted.  None of us have a proverbial dog in this fight and simply want to help you be the best-educated consumer you can be and make the best decision for the both of you.

Good luck moving forward.

I am really leaning towards the Artesian, I think the Hot Spring is alright, and his parents' is great, but I like the look and the feel of the Artesian more. We will be wet testing the Artesian this weekend.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2016, 05:44:28 pm »
SOOOO, I've read a few threads on here, but haven't found much info, or the info is from 4 years ago. Sorry if this is considered beating a dead horse.

My husband and I are looking for our first tub. Cash budget is about $8,000, although we would be comfortable going up to $10,000. We have visted Artesian, Arctic (and Coyote) as well as seen Marquis, Sundance, Jacuzzi and Hot Springs (his parents have the Vanguard, so we were already somewhat familiar with them) at a home and garden show.

My husband is 6', I'm 5'2. We need something that will fit us both.
4-7 people
3 pumps+
Seats that aren't SUPER molded and will fit his giant behind  ;)
Ozone or Saltwater (probably Ozone).

Here are the specific models:
Artesian Antigua
Artesian Grand Bahama
Hot Springs Pulse
Divine - http://www.costco.com/Divine-Hot-Tubs-Deluxe-Ultra-Massage-115-jet,-7-person-Spa.product.100152569.html

Please don't go into the "who will service it" BS... we live in Washington which is where the Divine's are manufactured. We even have an appointment with Divine to go see the spa in person next weekend. It's about an hour drive from us.
Tthe Artesian dealer here will test our water for free no matter where we buy from, are authorized to service it, and can order parts for whatever.

I'm looking for people with experience of all 3 companies. We are only interested in these companies, we have looked at plenty of tubs and are ready to pull the trigger.

 Actually it looks like they are made by Clearwater spas.    Where you at in Washington?

We are about an hour south of Lacey. But I drive like a bat out of hell, so we would have a short commute lol.

  You are to far south for me here in Marysville.    So you south on I-5 then, Chehalis area?    Honestly avoid the Devine if you can service or not.   A lot of funky things going at Clearwater spas these days.  There is a reason Riches dropped them, and they sold a ton of their spas. 


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Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2016, 08:33:40 pm »
SOOOO, I've read a few threads on here, but haven't found much info, or the info is from 4 years ago. Sorry if this is considered beating a dead horse.

My husband and I are looking for our first tub. Cash budget is about $8,000, although we would be comfortable going up to $10,000. We have visted Artesian, Arctic (and Coyote) as well as seen Marquis, Sundance, Jacuzzi and Hot Springs (his parents have the Vanguard, so we were already somewhat familiar with them) at a home and garden show.

My husband is 6', I'm 5'2. We need something that will fit us both.
4-7 people
3 pumps+
Seats that aren't SUPER molded and will fit his giant behind  ;)
Ozone or Saltwater (probably Ozone).

Here are the specific models:
Artesian Antigua
Artesian Grand Bahama
Hot Springs Pulse
Divine - http://www.costco.com/Divine-Hot-Tubs-Deluxe-Ultra-Massage-115-jet,-7-person-Spa.product.100152569.html

Please don't go into the "who will service it" BS... we live in Washington which is where the Divine's are manufactured. We even have an appointment with Divine to go see the spa in person next weekend. It's about an hour drive from us.
Tthe Artesian dealer here will test our water for free no matter where we buy from, are authorized to service it, and can order parts for whatever.

I'm looking for people with experience of all 3 companies. We are only interested in these companies, we have looked at plenty of tubs and are ready to pull the trigger.

 Actually it looks like they are made by Clearwater spas.    Where you at in Washington?

We are about an hour south of Lacey. But I drive like a bat out of hell, so we would have a short commute lol.

  You are to far south for me here in Marysville.    So you south on I-5 then, Chehalis area?    Honestly avoid the Devine if you can service or not.   A lot of funky things going at Clearwater spas these days.  There is a reason Riches dropped them, and they sold a ton of their spas.

Close to the Rib Eye, if you know where that is.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Artesian vs Hot Springs vs Divine
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2016, 08:33:40 pm »


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