Here are some more pics of the folks enjoying the party

Holly started getting overheated so she sat out awhile with Cindy, the advertising rep

I snagged a couple of little friends for my confederates in the battle against liberal seditionists

Then, Wild Thing got turned loose..............and it was something to see. These are the photos that show the natural curves of the spa, the clean lines and reflective surfaces. They were put on display for anyone to see, but I've only published the tamest ones so as not to offend anyone. If you don't like them, now's your chance not to look!
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here..............

Everyone had a great time. No one got shot or stabbed or puked on. Only 2 wineglasses were broken and none in or near a spa.
9 cases of wine, 14 cases of beer, around 90 cigars, nearly 8 platters of food were consumed. Total cost ended up being around $4100 or so. Sold 2 spas at the party which paid for the whole shebang.
Can't wait until next year!