Thanks for the reply Mike.
I got some test strips today as well as PH up and down to go with my other chemicals.
My PH and alkalinity tested perfectly and everything else looked good on the strip except the chlorine so I just added about a half cap of the chlorinating granules (pictured on the right above). Ran the jets for 10 minutes and then everything tested good so I hopped in and it was great!!!!!
A couple of questions:
The bottle of Activate (pictured left) talks about bromine and using "enhance" first. Since I am planning to use chlorine should I just pitch that or will it be of any value to me?
The bottle of Silk Balance. I can never see myself using this stuff long term as it is very expensive. The bottle I have is nearly full. Should I use it until it's gone, sell it, or ?
This first timer would appreciate any help or advice