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Author Topic: New tub filled and warming...I have these chemicals (pics) advice needed  (Read 4617 times)


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My new to me hot spot is filled and warming up. 

I know I have a lot to research but I got these chemicals from the previous owner and was wondering which of these would you add for initial set up ?


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Topline Mike

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Re: New tub filled and warming...I have these chemicals (pics) advice needed
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2016, 09:54:11 am »
Two options.

1) Take a sample of your water to your local spa dealer, have them test the water for pH and TA (total alkalinity). 

2) Buy a good test kit for your own personal use.  Best option, IMO. 

After you get your results, then people can tell you what to add. 

Man, if anything, those are some pretty bottles, aren't they! 


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Re: New tub filled and warming...I have these chemicals (pics) advice needed
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 06:55:16 pm »
Thanks for the reply Mike.

I got some test strips today as well as PH up and down to go with my other chemicals.

My PH and alkalinity tested perfectly and everything else looked good on the strip except the chlorine so I just added about a half cap of the chlorinating granules (pictured on the right above). Ran the jets for 10 minutes and then everything tested good so I hopped in and it was great!!!!!

A couple of questions: 

The bottle of Activate (pictured left) talks about bromine and using "enhance" first.  Since I am planning to use chlorine should I just pitch that or will it be of any value to me?

The bottle of Silk Balance.  I can never see myself using this stuff long term as it is very expensive.  The bottle I have is nearly full.  Should I use it until it's gone, sell it, or ?

This first timer would appreciate any help or advice  :)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 06:56:50 pm by CurtJ »


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Re: New tub filled and warming...I have these chemicals (pics) advice needed
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2016, 07:14:08 pm »
Thanks for the reply Mike.

I got some test strips today as well as PH up and down to go with my other chemicals.

My PH and alkalinity tested perfectly and everything else looked good on the strip except the chlorine so I just added about a half cap of the chlorinating granules (pictured on the right above). Ran the jets for 10 minutes and then everything tested good so I hopped in and it was great!!!!!

A couple of questions: 

The bottle of Activate (pictured left) talks about bromine and using "enhance" first.  Since I am planning to use chlorine should I just pitch that or will it be of any value to me?

The bottle of Silk Balance.  I can never see myself using this stuff long term as it is very expensive.  The bottle I have is nearly full.  Should I use it until it's gone, sell it, or ?

This first timer would appreciate any help or advice  :)

The activate could be peroxymonopersulfate? or MPS? If so keep it and use it to help sanitize once a week or so. Yes stay up on the chlorine 1PPM when you soak and 3-5 after. Drive up your chlorine to 10PPM a couple times a month also if you find yourself using the tub a lot. And keep an eye on PH it will likely go down.


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Re: New tub filled and warming...I have these chemicals (pics) advice needed
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2016, 07:31:51 pm »
Thanks for the reply Mike.

I got some test strips today as well as PH up and down to go with my other chemicals.

My PH and alkalinity tested perfectly and everything else looked good on the strip except the chlorine so I just added about a half cap of the chlorinating granules (pictured on the right above). Ran the jets for 10 minutes and then everything tested good so I hopped in and it was great!!!!!

A couple of questions: 

The bottle of Activate (pictured left) talks about bromine and using "enhance" first.  Since I am planning to use chlorine should I just pitch that or will it be of any value to me?

The bottle of Silk Balance.  I can never see myself using this stuff long term as it is very expensive.  The bottle I have is nearly full.  Should I use it until it's gone, sell it, or ?

This first timer would appreciate any help or advice  :)

You'll may get varying opinions but to me Silk Balance is overpriced snake oil...the only reason dealers carry it is because the marketing that comes with it makes consumers feel "warm and fuzzy" so they buy it (usually 1 or 2 bottles at most until they realize they are in fact spending waaay more money on water care supplies with little to no benefit) and there is a nice fat margin on it...Its bottled in Canada so they don't even tell dealers/customers whats in it nor are the ingredients listed anywhere.  Sorry to sound so negative but I was forced to sell the crap for years and every single day I had to somehow try and explain the benefits when a customer would question "why are we using this stuff for $200 a bottle again" and of course with no ingredients listed it was basically "spinning a marketing story" so ya I have terrible experience with it and will never sell it again.  Add in the fact there were often times "bad batches" and the fact they had to change there instructions/marketing materials on a monthly basis because the EPA was getting after them...just horrible
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 07:33:32 pm by BullFrogSpasMN »


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Re: New tub filled and warming...I have these chemicals (pics) advice needed
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2016, 08:01:08 pm »
Tman,  the activate is peroxymonopersulfate so I'll keep that to "shock" it occasionally.  Hopefully, I'm getting this hot tub lingo right  :)

And you said one ppm chlorine while in the tub and 3-5 ppm after?  Will it decrease down from 3-5 back to 1 in a day?

BullfrogMN,  I get the same feeling about the silk balance.  I'm gonna try to sell it I guess.

Thank you for helping out the new guy!


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Re: New tub filled and warming...I have these chemicals (pics) advice needed
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2016, 07:03:18 am »
Tman,  the activate is peroxymonopersulfate so I'll keep that to "shock" it occasionally.  Hopefully, I'm getting this hot tub lingo right  :)

And you said one ppm chlorine while in the tub and 3-5 ppm after?  Will it decrease down from 3-5 back to 1 in a day?

Thank you for helping out the new guy!

The chlorine will dissipate. But we can't really tell you how fast. That has to do with how fast it's used up to kill the nasty stuff you introduce while soaking. If it doesn't go down to 1 or below to soak use a little less after your next soak.

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Re: New tub filled and warming...I have these chemicals (pics) advice needed
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2016, 07:03:18 am »


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