From what I can gather, the VAST majority of people don't wet test, right? The only dealer that I visited that didn't make wet testing seem like a pain in the ass was the Marquis factory store. They would cheerfully fill any tub I wanted if I was serious. The Hot Springs dealer (seems like a bigger operation to me, Oregon Hot Tub) cannot fill a Grandee for me. I don't understand why you wouldn't want your flagship product to be shown in all of its glory. They were happy to let me test the Vanguard that they had filled. I guess that's supposed to give you a good enough approximation. If I went to a Ford dealer and wanted to try out a Focus and they said "the only demo we have is a Fiesta but that should be close enough", I would think that would be ridiculous. The Jacuzzi dealer is the same company as Hot Spring, but just calling them on the phone turned me off with the high pressure buy it now attitude, and they were badmouthing the Hot Spring, and the Hot Spring guy was bashing the Jacuzzi, and they're the same company! Way back many years ago I sold cars for awhile. This hot tub business is just as bad if not worse than anything I saw in the car business 20 years ago. Makes me want to say f-- it and just buy one from Costco, but I know better.

I'm so sorry you had a bad experience with our sales team at Oregon Hot Tub and Jacuzzi Portland! You are NOT a pain in the ass - I promise. Any time you'd like to wet test, we'll get you in any one of our models. Please shoot us an email and we'll make this right.