So I'm coming from a 2005 Vanguard, bought used, which was great, however it's now dead. I went looking for a replacement, and to be honest, the vanguard was overkill. It's just the wife and I, and we rarely (once a quarter) run the jets (aside from cleaning), it's used primarily for soaking. We were looking at a Bolt, but to be honest, one thing really disappointed me...
With the Vanguard, there is quite a difference between where you feet sit in the bottom, and where you butt rests, therefore, it's more like you're sitting in a chair. The Bolt though (and even the Jetsetter I was looking at previously), it almost feels like you're sitting on the floor. The foot pan has about an 8" lip, but then the seat pan drops down several inches. It feels like you're sitting on the floor with your legs arched.
Does anyone know of any smaller (4 man) tubs in the $6k range that offer more of a separation from butt to floor (sorry, I have no idea what to call that)?
Thanks for any help.