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jets just started kicking on and off
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Topic: jets just started kicking on and off (Read 2986 times)
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Posts: 3
jets just started kicking on and off
January 04, 2016, 01:33:00 am »
hey new to the hot tub world but got a 01 sundance cameo which has been working fine for a month, just all of the sudden today the jets started kicking on and off by themselves. and when i went out there to see why the hot tub was running i couldnt even shut them off wondering if anybody has had this problem or new what could be causing it?also they are only working at full speed any help would be greatly appreciated
Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 02:08:35 am by tisbister4
Hot Tub Forum
jets just started kicking on and off
January 04, 2016, 01:33:00 am »
Junior Member
Posts: 7
Re: jets just started kicking on and off
Reply #1 on:
January 04, 2016, 04:34:58 am »
At the risk of being shot down here,...I'm going to give you my advise,... but it may not be the answer..
I'm a newbie here too,... I only got my hot tub 4 months ago,..its an older model too. I was able to make the jets come on and go off by just wiggling the low wattage wiring loom that connects the topside controller to the circuit board, especially at the multi-plug. I found out that a lot of weird stuff happens when there are loose or damp connections in these wires. especially stop/start , no response , and no shut-off !
I switched off power, unplugged the low voltage grey loom wire at the plug into the circuit board. I have a tin of electronic contact cleaner which I sprayed onto the damp connections and waited till it dried out.
This helped stop a lot of the problems I had which were similar to yours,...
Hope this might help,...but as I say its only my own oppinion and I am just a novice too..
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Re: jets just started kicking on and off
Reply #2 on:
January 04, 2016, 08:56:43 am »
Another possible answer. Do each set of jets do this once for a minute or two then stop? Some tubs will cycle each pump once every 24 hours at a specific time. I normally fill my tub in the late morning and it does this every day at that time.
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Re: jets just started kicking on and off
Reply #3 on:
January 04, 2016, 10:30:56 am »
only one side jet does it and its sporadic no certain time though. its been working for a few weeks now just now started doing this. ill take a look at the low voltage wires and try cleaning them when i get home i tried wiggling them some last night but got no where.
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Re: jets just started kicking on and off
Reply #4 on:
January 04, 2016, 11:21:41 am »
Inside the box with the circuit board, there is a ribbon cable near the bottom left. Turn off the power, and disconnect the ribbon cables that are connected there. That SHOULD take care of the issue. If it doesn't your main topside control is most likely bad.
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Posts: 7
Re: jets just started kicking on and off
Reply #5 on:
January 04, 2016, 12:56:55 pm »
Yeah,..the ribbon cable / loom,...thats the one,... by the way, does your tub have two topside controllers ?? at each side of the tub ...
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Posts: 3
Re: jets just started kicking on and off
Reply #6 on:
January 04, 2016, 08:10:47 pm »
well i just tried taking the connector off for the low voltage cables and cleaning it with contact cleaner and no luck tried wiggling them a little to see if that did anything for me and no luck. yes there are 2 top side controllers neither side works either
Junior Member
Posts: 7
Re: jets just started kicking on and off
Reply #7 on:
January 05, 2016, 09:58:18 am »
Okay, you have two topside controllers, same as mines,.... here's what I did to fix mines,'s up to you if you want to follow but I'm no expert. I took the grey ribbon cable out from the control box terminal,... then followed that cable a few feet back inside the tubs cabinet and it came to a junction joint where the other topside cable joins and as I say "hitches a ride " into the control box terminal (circuit board ). I disconnected that other grey ribbon from the junction joint and plugged THAT into the main circuit board leaving the original ribbon loom hanging idle.
This proved to me that it was only one topside controller which was faulty ( the smaller one ) and every one of the buttons now work. As I figured out, and also mentions in the handbook, that if any of the buttons on any of the topside controllers are faulty it will knock both controllers out of play. This certainly worked for me and at this moment I am now looking to buy a new secondary controller but its not ungent as the tub works fine off the one good topside controller..
Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 10:00:43 am by jonnyivy
Hot Tub Forum
Re: jets just started kicking on and off
Reply #7 on:
January 05, 2016, 09:58:18 am »
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