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I have very deep personal experience with ahh-some and its sister product, serum water maintenance. If tested a half dozen products claiming to be "purge" or "enzyme purge" cleanse and other actions, to the point where my water bill went up due to the thousands of gallons of water I was throwing away for repeated drains. the short answer is that yes, ahh-some is the real deal. i was astonished at what the others don't do -- and I'm not making this stuff up. I gave ahh-some the "last crack" and it cleaned up what the others left behind. Here's an example of the garbage that people put into a nice looking container, charge big bucks for it, and convince you of its magic: With my spa contaminated with biofilms (which I discovered later), I cleaned my spa with the Silk Balance cleanser product. it didn't do anything. literally nothing was removed. I then discovered it was nothing more than ordinary grocery store borax in an expensive container. I still use the container to scoop water trapped in the contours of my seats when draining...After cleansing with the Silk Balance expensive borax, and a couple other products that escape me at the moment, I drained, refilled, and purged with ahh-some. The ahh-some purge removed so much material I about lost my lunch. So as you can imagine I consider ahh-some (and the sister product, serum water care) to be the only worthy purge products, and I think all of the others are pretty much over priced placebos -- and that includes some recognize names too. and I've got the photos and data to back that up, believe me.
I was running out of time and water so I didn't get to that one. I tested the following Sea klearSilk balance Aquafinesse Natural chemistry Ahh-some
A trusted local repair guy here who doesn't sell either tells me he thinks Swirl Away does a better job.I think the OP should try both and make his own judgement.
Shocking doesn't really loosen up biofilm. Cause I shocked as well.