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Author Topic: First water change...seemed to go well.  (Read 3597 times)


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First water change...seemed to go well.
« on: December 13, 2015, 07:23:33 pm »
It's been over 2 months since we filled our new tub.  Lately I noticed that the water wasn't cloudy, but wasn't "crisp" for lack of a better word.  Also it had a slight tint to it and occasionally smelled a little sour or chlorine-like.  Since it was nearly 72 here today in upstate NY I decided to do the deed. 

I shocked it early this AM, then a few hours later added 2.5 tsp of Ah-Some that had been brought into solution in warm water.  Soon thereafter much foaming commenced!  So much that I was scooping the foam off the top with a pool leaf screen to keep it from dripping all over the place.  30 minutes or so later the foaming began to subside and I could see and feel some nasty film collecting around the tub.  Shut it down and began to drain (submersible pump) and started cleaning the crap off the tub surface as the water level dropped.  Rinsed the filters in 5 gallon pails (took 3 fresh pails of water per filter to get them rinsed to where the water wasn't cloudy) then hose them out under pressure. 
Got it empty and most of the crap collected so I rinsed it well until we got to about 30% full, ran the pumps a bit to clear the lines, drained again, cleaned up what was left in the bottom of the tub, rinse again, ran the pump, drained and then filled it back up.

Presently at 78 degrees.

Well water fill with 60% or more softened water

Chlorine is around 7.5 (I added extra...for what reason I cannot say)
TA is 300!
CH is 60
PH is off the scale high (I'd guess 8.5 or better)
I know there is some iron and copper in there so I added a few ounces of a sequestering agent.

I just added 2.2 ounces of Calcium hardness which should fix the low CH (same as first fill)

In a bit I'll add 1.5 ounces dry acid to get PH started down and hope that the TA drops as well with aeration.

Any other suggestions?  I will have the water tested tomorrow to check my results.


Hot Tub Forum

First water change...seemed to go well.
« on: December 13, 2015, 07:23:33 pm »


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Re: First water change...seemed to go well.
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2015, 09:11:18 pm »
Got it empty and most of the crap collected so I rinsed it well until we got to about 30% full, ran the pumps a bit to clear the lines, drained again, cleaned up what was left in the bottom of the tub, rinse again, ran the pump, drained and then filled it back up.

I am a hot tub newbie... I am curious if there is any concern of damage by running the pumps without all the jets submerged? I thought I read in the manual to make sure all the jets are under water before running the pumps, but with only 30% of the tub filled most jets would be above that level.


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Re: First water change...seemed to go well.
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2015, 09:19:48 pm »
Got it empty and most of the crap collected so I rinsed it well until we got to about 30% full, ran the pumps a bit to clear the lines, drained again, cleaned up what was left in the bottom of the tub, rinse again, ran the pump, drained and then filled it back up.

I am a hot tub newbie... I am curious if there is any concern of damage by running the pumps without all the jets submerged? I thought I read in the manual to make sure all the jets are under water before running the pumps, but with only 30% of the tub filled most jets would be above that level.

If the intake is well supplied with water (6" above the intake inlets did the trick on my tub) the pump(s) won't be damaged.  I found out why you want the jets submerged today when I switched it to high speed with them NOT submerged.  I was instantly soaked as was the side of my house and the breezeway!  These things push a TON of water.


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Re: First water change...seemed to go well.
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2015, 05:07:08 pm »
What determines if you should add calcium to a tub?  My calcium is bottomed out.  My Arctic Spa dealer told me very clearly that they don't ever recommend adding calcium to their tubs, that it wasn't necessary.


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Re: First water change...seemed to go well.
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2015, 05:50:26 pm »
What determines if you should add calcium to a tub?  My calcium is bottomed out.  My Arctic Spa dealer told me very clearly that they don't ever recommend adding calcium to their tubs, that it wasn't necessary.

I think it's more important for tubs made from plaster or concrete, etc. as low hardness will cause the water to try to leech the calcium out of the wall materials.  I just did it because I knew the dealer would suggest it when they tested the new fill water and I had the stuff.


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Re: First water change...seemed to go well.
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2015, 06:54:12 pm »
"crisp" is the word I use also. It best describes fresh water.

Topline Mike

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Re: First water change...seemed to go well.
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2015, 12:15:16 am »
I have a couple thoughts about your post. 

The nasty film on the tub after the ahhsome treatment might be "stuff" from the pipes of the new tub.  If you sanitized the tub correctly on the first fill, in theory, there shouldn't be any bad stuff surfacing. 

Regarding your calcium hardness (CH).  Softened water has a CH of 0, and that's why we soften water, to get the suds from the soap we use to get clean.  Hard water, (high CH), doesn't foam much at all, which is better in the hot tub.  In your case, I wouldn't add the softened water to the tub, and then try to bring it back with calcium chloride.  I shoot  for a CH of 250-300.  I hope this makes sense. 


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Re: First water change...seemed to go well.
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2015, 07:29:39 am »
I have a couple thoughts about your post. 

The nasty film on the tub after the ahhsome treatment might be "stuff" from the pipes of the new tub.  If you sanitized the tub correctly on the first fill, in theory, there shouldn't be any bad stuff surfacing. 

Regarding your calcium hardness (CH).  Softened water has a CH of 0, and that's why we soften water, to get the suds from the soap we use to get clean.  Hard water, (high CH), doesn't foam much at all, which is better in the hot tub.  In your case, I wouldn't add the softened water to the tub, and then try to bring it back with calcium chloride.  I shoot  for a CH of 250-300.  I hope this makes sense.

It does make sense, but I was told it's nearly impossible to get CH out of the water once it's in the tub, but easy to add some back so like with the first fill I just added a small amount of CH to get it right.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: First water change...seemed to go well.
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2015, 07:29:39 am »


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