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Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets?
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Topic: Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets? (Read 4743 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 5
Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets?
November 26, 2015, 12:21:38 am »
I think I'm down to the Jacuzzi J-495 or Sundance Aspen.
I can get either with all the extras for about $12K.
My big question is whether the Jacuzzi jets which feel great now, will seem weak in th coming years once I get used to sitting in a hot tub on a weekly basis. During the wet test the Sundance jets seemed a bit intense and I had to turn them way down but I'm wondering if you grow to like the intensity once you're a regular? Jacuzzi jets had that great spiral massage action and a more gentl pressure but do you Jacuzzi owners seem a bit underwhelmed after years of use?
So do you find yourself turning up the jets over time or not?
Also, Sundance jets have no moving pats so will they normally hold up longer than the jacuzzi jets?
Sundance makes a big deal about their huge filter that eats up seating, is it worth giving up the space for it?
It's close between these two as I like the Sundance quality and dealer more but concerned about giving up some variability in the jets that jacuzzi offers.
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Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets?
November 26, 2015, 12:21:38 am »
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4338
Re: Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets?
Reply #1 on:
November 26, 2015, 07:59:25 am »
I have a 10 YO Artesian tub with a bunch of roto jets and I will say that most have held up well. Maybe 2 out of 25 or more jets are not spinning anymore. The good news is that jets are readily available so 5 years down the line if you need a jet they're cheap enough to get.
The down side of all the same jets is just that - they are all the same. Living with my tub now I realize that having a variety may be a good thing. I am now thinking of replacing some of my jets to get that variety, but if you feel power is lacking then it may be the deciding factor, you can't make a tub more powerful.
Junior Member
Posts: 65
Re: Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets?
Reply #2 on:
November 27, 2015, 01:23:39 am »
One thing I will say about the sundance filter, most people clean their filter once a week. Sundance suggest one a month! I was skeptical, so in the beginning I did like most an cleaned mine every week, with the filter pretty much still being snow white. So after a month, I started cleaning it the recommended once a month, and after a month it's still nearly snow white. I use my tub daily. My water is three months old and my water is still sparkling and my chemical levels are still spot on. My floating brominator lasts nearly a month while others report theirs lasting only a couple of weeks. There's only a little foam after three months only when turning on the air controls. So I will say based on my experience sundance rating is spot on.
As far as the jets intensity goes, the jacuzzi felt nice when turned all the way up, but I could clearly see me needing more when ever my back would be sore. With my sundance jets, the intensity is usually half way, sometimes a little less. But it's nice that the extra power is there when I need it, and that's usually 2 or 3 times per week. But what I like about their jets, you are never limited to full power all of the time and each seat can always be adjusted as needed. So there's no issue with them being too strong for me. I would be disappointed if my back was really sore and didn't have the extra power on tap when I needed. But as always, ymmv. Both are great brands IMO and they were my two top choices out of all of brands I wet tested.
Jacuzzi Jim
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Posts: 3584
Re: Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets?
Reply #3 on:
November 27, 2015, 03:01:46 pm »
Both are equally really nice spa's. Jet wise it's a toss up, I have sat in both brands, and they each have there own feel. My Jacuzzi is going on 5 years old and it feels as good as the day I got it. Filtration I like the Jacuzzi better individually they cost less, and are easier to clean with the size each is. I clean mine like every 3 months or so. Once a week is too much, "rinsing" once a month is fine. I am do to do mine, my water is going on 5 months and is crystal clear but still needs to be done pretty soon. Pick what you like and its a winner, winner chicken dinner.
Junior Member
Posts: 65
Re: Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets?
Reply #4 on:
November 27, 2015, 11:39:56 pm »
Have you considered looking into a Bullfrog A8? I know it's not as large as the units you are considering. It is the largest Bullfrog makes, at 7'10" x 7'10".
The reason I mention it is because you are inquiring about the jets of the two potential tubs, Jacuzzi and Sundance. I don't have any experience with those, only having been in a HotSprings Envoy, Caldera Tahitian and Bullfrog R7 and A8.
I am in a HotSpring Envoy frequently and hope to soon purchase the Bullfrog A8. The jets in the Bullfrog feel very effective in giving a massage feeling as oppossed to a blast of straight water or a rotating jet feel from HotSpring or Caldera. The difference is almost one of night and day. It is that pronounced. The jetspaks are individually adjusted with a rotating dial on the jetpak itself.
It's only because it's such a large purchase and one wants to get it right the first time, that I'm writing this post. Since you've been willing to do your homework and wet test, I believe you'd be favorably impressed with just how nice the Bullfrog Jetpaks are. I'd suggest you test an A8 with the following jetpaks installed for the wet test: Gyrossage, Pulsator, Oscillator, NeckBlaster, Wellness and RainShower. I was not initially impressed with the RainShower until a YouTube video suggested this jetpak be utilized as a relaxation/soaking seat after you've been in all the others. That was a sensible way of making it fit my needs.
I had a concern about the centralized, half-ball positioned foot jets in the foot well. The A8 is 38" deep and that depth iit makes it comfortable for your legs and feet. I thought the foot-jet ball would be intrusive; it wasn't. You can put your feet on any part of the ball either closest to your seating position or you can stretch your legs and place your feet on the other side of the ball jets.
If you go with an A8, I'd recommend ordering it with the circulation pump and ozone generator, as ozone can break down oils and soaps that chlorine cannot. These two options have been included in the A8 $12k pricing that you should be able to obtain.
Bullfrog has nice cabinetry, rot-free materials utilized in its construction, less plumbing and excellent insulation/energy efficiency, all nice features with benefits. However, it's their jets that make the big difference. And there are currently sixteen different jetpaks from which to choose, although I feel you will be well served with the ones I suggested.
I believe you'll be happy you did whatever it took to wet test an A8. It will mean tracking down a dealer with one that can provide a wet test with the jetpaks I suggested, but even if you have to travel quite a ways--
I feel it will be well worth your while. It's that much of a difference. It really is. Their jetpaks are that fantastic!
Good luck and let us know what you decide!
Junior Member
Posts: 65
Re: Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets?
Reply #5 on:
November 27, 2015, 11:45:56 pm »
Here is a link to a detailed review from an owner of a Bullfrog Hot Tub that you may find helpful:
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Re: Your experiences with Jacuzzi and Sundance Jets?
Reply #5 on:
November 27, 2015, 11:45:56 pm »
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