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Author Topic: How long to wait to go in after shocking?  (Read 9593 times)


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How long to wait to go in after shocking?
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:03:00 pm »
We follow our Jacuzzi dealer's instructions for water chemistry, so once a week we put in 2 extra tbsp. of chlorine granules and 1 tbsp. of non-chlorine shock and run the jets for 20 minutes. Initially in our "spa school", we were told that it is better to do this on a day when we don't plan to use the tub the following day. More recently we were told it was "okay" to use it the next day after shocking. What is the general consensus on here, is it better to leave a day in between or is it OK to hop in the tub 24-hours after shocking & running jets?

Thanks!! :)

Hot Tub Forum

How long to wait to go in after shocking?
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:03:00 pm »


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Re: How long to wait to go in after shocking?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 11:36:02 pm »
I usually shock when I'm done using the tub for the day then use it the next day like normal.


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Re: How long to wait to go in after shocking?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2015, 07:50:49 am »
Depending on how many gallons your tub is you may or may not be adding enough of either to do anything other than raise the chlorine level and I'm not sure if the amount of non chlorine shock is actually doing anything or is doing very little.

I use Sea Klear non chlorine shock and it's directions are to use 2 oz in a 500 gallon tub for shocking. I have a 400 gallon tub so I just use the 2 OZ (1/4 cup), 1 Tbsp = 0.5oz and may not be enough if you own a larger tub. As far as the chlorine amount - again in my tub 2 Tbsp of chlorine will give me 3 PPM chlorine so depending on how much you add in addition to the 2 and the size of the tub - it may not be considered a shock dose. It also depends on bather load.

A clean person without oils, lotions, hair products, .... produces less of a bather load then a person who has been sweating, put lotions on and what not. The amount of chlorine you want under normal conditions is 3 PPM after 20 minutes that the chlorine has been in the tub. Some people soak with little or no chlorine in the tub and then dose afterwards. As far as shocking is concerned - if you are just raising the chlorine to add extra killing power then adding 2 Tbsp could do that (depending on what the chlorine is fighting, if anything) but it may not burn off the chloramines which will give you that chlorine smell.

As chem geek has said - chlorine becomes less effective as the stabilizer increases to after a certain point. If using dichlor exclusively as your chlorine and you use the tub a lot by the end of a month or so you will have a lot of stabilizer and the chlorine won't be as effective as it was when you had new water.

To answer your question - non chlorine shock needs 20 minutes to work and then it's OK for you to go into the tub. You can soak in higher levels of chlorine especially if your stabilizer is high, it all depends on how sensitive you are to it. My tub sometimes doesn't drop chlorine for days and have soaked in 10 PPM chlorine without any problems.


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Re: How long to wait to go in after shocking?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2015, 01:45:28 pm »
If I remember correctly you do have one of the larger tubs. And I can tell you based on the amount you are using, you are not really "shocking" your tub. As to your original questions. It's fine to shock one day and use it the next.


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Re: How long to wait to go in after shocking?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2015, 02:00:08 pm »
OK thanks all! I appreciate it!

Our tub is 1700 litres / 450 US gallons.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: How long to wait to go in after shocking?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2015, 02:00:08 pm »


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