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Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
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Topic: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera (Read 8301 times)
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Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
November 21, 2015, 09:41:52 pm »
I've learned some valuable information from this forum over the last 3 months. I think my wife and I need some help deciding between these three large tubs, Sundance Aspen, Jacuzzi j 495 and Caldera Cantabria. All three seem to have features we like but I'd like to hear pros and cons for each from some of you more experienced as well as comments on the pricing I've received. All three dealers are solid and have been in business for decades carrying these brands.
Jacuzzi J 495 $12,000, new floor model never had water, includes $800 rebate
Sundance Aspen $13,000
Caldera Cantabria nothing firm, $12-$13K, dealer will quote Tuesday
All include cover and lift, steps, chemicals and delivery but not tax. Anything else I should ask to include?
How would you rank these three and is one o the a premium over another?
Thank you.
Hot Tub Forum
Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
November 21, 2015, 09:41:52 pm »
Ultimate Member
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Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #1 on:
November 21, 2015, 09:51:52 pm »
All 3 are very nice tubs and all very similar. Have you wet tested any of them? Prices seem pretty good. I would wet test and see which one you like the best or if you could live with any of the three then see which one you could get the best deal on
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Posts: 5
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #2 on:
November 21, 2015, 10:03:43 pm »
We did wet test jacuzzi and Sundance. We liked both, going to try caldera next week.
Both of those dealers said that was best price but I'm sure there is still a little room.
Is The Aspen worth $1K? I liked it a little better but when you're writing a check and not financing that's a sizable difference.
Junior Member
Posts: 56
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #3 on:
November 22, 2015, 05:18:13 am »
Hi Awk,
The wife and I were in the same position as you, and looked at those 3 as well as the Artesian Pelican Bay.We are in So California and lucky to have all dealers avaliable within a short drive. We wet tested the Jacuzzi, Caldera, the Maxus, (we wanted a lounger), couldn't find a Pelican Bay to test, but tested the Artesian Isla Margarita Elite, which is simular to the Pelican Bay, but from their Island Spas line. We loved each and everyone, all the dealers were great. Aestheticly, the Jacuzzi was by far the most appealing, they all had their own atributes. As far as pricing , your numbers are very close to what we were offered, with the Caldera dealer offering to match whatever price we were offered on the Jacuzzi.
When it came down to brass tacks and $$, we chose the Artesian Isla Margarita Elite loaded with all extras except stereo, over the others including the Pelican Bay, which we didn't test. The price difference was over $2500, (there was a rebate running at the time). As others have said, wet testing is a must and if you have an Artesian dealer in your area you should give them a look.
Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 05:30:00 am by JustAnotherNewbie
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Posts: 152
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #4 on:
November 22, 2015, 02:39:52 pm »
We wet-tested the Jacuzzi J-480 and the Sundance Cameo 880 (among others). They are slightly smaller models than the ones you're looking at, but similar features and jets and both have loungers. We preferred the Jacuzzi for several reasons: the lounger was easier to stay in, the jets felt a lot better and didn't blow us right out of the seats, and there was more variety of jet patterns in the different seats. With the Cameo, there was the lounger and one corner "Captain" seat that were comfortable and the other seats seemed like after-thoughts. The high-back design of the J-480 (and the J-495 I believe) gives a higher waterfall, making it useful for hydrotherapy, not just for aesthetics.
We ended up purchasing the Jacuzzi J-470 because we didn't want the lounger and it is 3" smaller so it fit better in our backyard/deck reno. We've had it for almost 2 months and we absolutely love it! I couldn't tell you which is my favorite seat because I like them all for different reasons, and that's one of the things that I like the most about it. It is delightful and relaxing to sit under the waterfall with the water cascading over your shoulders, there are two big jets in the back of the seat and you can stretch out your legs over the center dome to have jets on feet and calves.
Based on the hot tubs on your short list, I am sure you will love whichever one you get because you're looking at some beautiful models.
Junior Member
Posts: 65
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #5 on:
November 22, 2015, 04:29:12 pm »
It basically comes down to which fits you best and which feels more enjoyable. I too looked at jacuzzi vs hotspring vs marquis. For me I much preferred both the cameo and optima over the jacuzzi offerings for pretty much the same reasons Amy preferred the jacuzzi over the cameo. Everyone's body type is different and one person's "strong" is another person's "just right". Same holds true for jets. These questions get asked a lot here, but when it comes to premium brands, the quality is going to be pretty much the same all across the board. So after that it really comes down to personal preference that only that individual can decided on after doing a wet test. So go with the one that fits you best and feels best. They all are great quality tubs that should last for many years.
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Posts: 5
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #6 on:
November 27, 2015, 11:41:10 pm »
Thank you everyone for the replies on my posts.
We ordered a Sundance Aspen today after further negotiations with the dealer and the Jacuzzi and Caldera dealers.
The Aspen has just the size we need and the adjustments with the jets is outstanding. Getting to pick your colors and coming straight from the factory just before Christmas was also a plus.
I paid just over $12K plus tax but got covermate 3, upgraded cabinet matched steps, chemicals, extra microclean filter, eco wrap insulation, drink tray and delivery all included. It was the best deal I could make after a few rounds of negotiations. This dealer only sells Sundnace Spas and has for decades. I think we will receive outstanding service in the years to come.
Jacuzzi was a close second and I'm sure we would have been happy with it also.
Caldera Cantabria is a cool tub with unique seating but I didn't like the 54 euro jets that aren't adjustable.
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Posts: 512
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #7 on:
November 28, 2015, 12:27:14 am »
Congratulations on your purchase! A very nice Christmas present for yourself.
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Posts: 135
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #8 on:
November 28, 2015, 12:10:30 pm »
outstanding! congratulations.
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Posts: 1
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #9 on:
December 01, 2015, 05:00:19 pm »
AWK, I'm in the exact position and just put a deposit down on a brand new Aspen. However, the best I could do was a bit over $13K with no stereo (includes all of the setup and extras). It seems that my best price is $1K off of your price! Maybe costs are higher where I live in California..where are you located?
We looked at the J495 ($14.4K) as well but that was more money and the Sundance seemed to us to offer better filtration, aromatherapy (with air as opposed to putting aroma salt directly in the water), air jets that quickly cool down the water (we have little kids that need a cooler spa than the parents), and the seating configuration was more comfortable than the Jacuzzi in terms of the foot well (yes you give up some seating but the comfort makes up for it for us). We did look at the Caldera but did not want a Lounger so we limited it down to the Jacuzzi and Sundance line.
The Sundance jets had the right configuration and fit both me (5'11") and my wife (5'2") much better than the Jacuzzi as well.
Junior Member
Posts: 5
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #10 on:
December 01, 2015, 10:31:59 pm »
I'm in the Midwest and had a Jacuzzi dealer with floor model at $12K so after several rounds of negotiations the Sundance dealer got there. It would have been $13K had that deal not existed. I was torn between the two as well and hate losing a seat but I also enjoyed the blower jets and the best filtration you can get. With so many people in the tub at once I was skeptical how well the jacuzzi filter would do. I also think the intelli jets and key for the fluidex st jets allow Both to completely change the flow type of the jet.
My Sundance dealer will also offer top notch service compared to the pool/jacuzzi dealer.
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Choosing a mega size tub- Sundance vs Jacuzzi vs Caldera
Reply #10 on:
December 01, 2015, 10:31:59 pm »
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