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Author Topic: SNS error after refill  (Read 9664 times)


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SNS error after refill
« on: November 23, 2015, 03:32:11 pm »
Hi, I recently stumbled onto this forum and have lurked a bit, this is my first post for help.

My tub is a 2005 Icon/Image/Keys Backyard model, with Balboa controls, M7 controller.

2 years ago, we had a very early freeze and the tub was off, and cracked in 3 of the shutoff valves.  After 3 companies not wanting to take the work, I patched the cracks with Plast-Aid. (which is amazing stuff to put it lightly).  The tub now holds water and seems happy, so I hit it with a nice dosage of AAH-Some, after reading some great info on it here, and a decent amount of gunk came out, more on that later.

The problem started when I refilled after the aahsome, the SNS error will not go away.  The spa starts with the usual Pr indicator for priming, then flashes SNS with the temp (53°) alternating for an hour or so, then the pumps turn off and display shows a solid SNS.  The pumps will still turn on and run, but will then default back to the SNS error.

I am not seeing much info anywhere on how to resolve this, besides to contact my authorized service dealer, which is what I'm doing right now.   :P 8)

Thanks in advance for any help and guidance!


Hot Tub Forum

SNS error after refill
« on: November 23, 2015, 03:32:11 pm »


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Re: SNS error after refill
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 04:45:01 pm »
It seems that the the water temp sensors are not in agreement of the water temp by more than 2 degrees.

There is a PDF that I found by googling your problem. There's also http://www.spacare.com/commonspasideerrorcodes.aspx and they seem to sell the sensors. Of course it could be the control board as well.

Here's from balboa:

SnS or Sn Message
SnS or Sn Message

If the SnS or Sn Message is Alternating with the Water Temperature on the Display, it is a Possible Sensors Out of Sync Message.

If the SnS or Sn Message is Blinking or Flashing OFF and ON without showing Water Temperature, it is a Verified Sensors Out of Sync Message.

SnS or Sn is Alternating with Temp:
Possibly the "Sensors are out of Sync" (SnS or Sn) with Each Other. With the the Pump ON, prior to Heater ON, the Sensors differ by more than 2°F (1.0°C), indicating one or both Sensors are several degrees off. The Sensors are Possibly Out of Sync with Each Other, or Not Indicating Close to the Same Temperature at Both Sensors. Monitoring the Sensors will Continue for 1 Hour. Contact your Dealer or Service Organization.

SnS or Sn is Blinking ON and OFF:
There is a Verified "Sensors out of Sync" (SnS or Sn) with Each Other Condition. The "SnS", "Sn", or "SENSOR SYNC" Fault has occurred for more than 1 hour, indicating one or both Sensors are several degrees off, and Spa Functions are Disabled. The Sensors are Verified Out of Sync with Each Other, or Not Indicating Close to the Same Temperature at Both Sensors. Contact your Dealer or Service Organization.


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Re: SNS error after refill
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2015, 01:44:43 pm »
Thanks for the reply Vinny. I saw that before posting, but was curious if anyone had any actual experience fixing a balboa SNS condition like I am dealing with.

I ordered a new sensor and will take apart both apart to make sure there's no gunk or anything effecting flow/temp reading.   I will post back what I figure out.


Hot Tub Forum

Re: SNS error after refill
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2015, 01:44:43 pm »


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