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Author Topic: Greenish ring around tub near surface?  (Read 3750 times)


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Greenish ring around tub near surface?
« on: November 13, 2015, 03:05:41 pm »
So our hot tub is 8 days old.  Thus far according to the test strips, I've managed to keep ph, alkaline, and chlorine all in the proper ranges.  It has also been treated with aquafinesse.

When I looked at it today in the daylight, I can see a greenish stain/ring on the inside of the tub near the waterline, all the way around.  Is it normal to get a bit of that?  Should I just scrub it off?  It feels like it is on there well, just rubbing it with my fingers did not easily remove it.
Or is this a sign that despite the test strips, I need more chlorine?  Or that it is due for a 'shock', high dose of chlorine??


Hot Tub Forum

Greenish ring around tub near surface?
« on: November 13, 2015, 03:05:41 pm »


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Re: Greenish ring around tub near surface?
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2015, 04:35:22 pm »
So our hot tub is 8 days old.  Thus far according to the test strips, I've managed to keep ph, alkaline, and chlorine all in the proper ranges.  It has also been treated with aquafinesse.

When I looked at it today in the daylight, I can see a greenish stain/ring on the inside of the tub near the waterline, all the way around.  Is it normal to get a bit of that?  Should I just scrub it off?  It feels like it is on there well, just rubbing it with my fingers did not easily remove it.
Or is this a sign that despite the test strips, I need more chlorine?  Or that it is due for a 'shock', high dose of chlorine??


Sounds like what we had around the same time.  Greenish/Brownish line.  I did some research and it seemed to be a very common complaint among new spa owners.  I super chlorinated, cleaned up the crap with a magic eraser and it never returned.  From what I read it's attributed to metals in the fill water and things in the plumbing from the manufacturing processes.

If you can get your water tested at a dealer who can test for TDS and metals you may find there are metals in there that can be taken out of suspension with a stain and scale treatment.


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Re: Greenish ring around tub near surface?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2015, 05:45:42 pm »
Thanks!  Think we are going for a quick soak tonight.  Then I think I will shock it and try wiping it off.


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Re: Greenish ring around tub near surface?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 05:53:01 pm »
no biggie, as stated above it is simply the small amounts of metal coming to the surface....Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, those little suckers work like a charm for wiping it off, I use them in the showroom all the time

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Greenish ring around tub near surface?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 05:53:01 pm »


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