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Author Topic: Towel/robe warmer  (Read 4923 times)


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Towel/robe warmer
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:24:57 am »
I've spent the last year or two thinking about a robe warmer and kept coming up with ideas that would look awkward or cost too much. I tried searching all over the internet and tons of people wanted one but very few ever built anything. Looked on Amazon as well and most were either really sketchy with terrible reviews or extremely expensive. I was really shocked by how many just put their towels in the dryer and then rolled them up in a cooler. I'm sure the cooler concept would work but this posed two problems for me... First, it meant I had to walk outside in the cold with nothing on and it also meant I had to "pregame" just to use my hot tub which would ultimately lead to a massive decline in use.

So I came up with this concept. It uses a single 4x8 sheet of plywood coated in waterseal. The size is 48x16x24 inches. I also used a 1x4 around the lid and some 2x2's on the inside. A basic space heater with thermostat keeps it nice and toasty inside and the pvc coated hardware wire keeps everything away from the heat source. I originally wanted an electric timer but opted for a wireless remote which I can turn on and off as needed. The timers are either expensive plug in versions or wall mounted which requires running dedicated electrical lines and I wanted to bring this box inside in the summer when I won't use it.

Total price was this:
4x8 plywood - $19
1x4 board - $3
2x2 board - $3
Remote switch from Amazon - $10
Extension cord to run to the box - $20
PVC coated Hardware cloth -  $8
Hinges - $6
Screws - $6
Space Heater - $15
Waterseal - ? (Have had this stuff laying around my house for years)

Total - $90  (I probably only spent about $50 as I had a lot of this stuff laying around)

Hope this helps others who want a toasty robe on a cold night...

Hot Tub Forum

Towel/robe warmer
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:24:57 am »

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: Towel/robe warmer
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2015, 12:12:27 pm »
Very cool! Maybe a little foam-board insulation on the sides?

 What about, rather than the space heater (takes up a lot of room, and a possible fire hazard) using something like a heating pad (though, it might not put out enough heat and takes too long to heat up)?
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Towel/robe warmer
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2015, 01:29:36 pm »
Very cool! Maybe a little foam-board insulation on the sides?

 What about, rather than the space heater (takes up a lot of room, and a possible fire hazard) using something like a heating pad (though, it might not put out enough heat and takes too long to heat up)?

I seriously thought about some foam insulation but figured for 20-30 minutes of use, the space heater can keep the box plenty warm enough. Maybe when it starts getting into the 20's and below, some insulation might be necessary.

The heater does take up a fair amount of room but honestly a 10 inch tall heater in a 24 in tall box is hardly going to prevent 3-4 towels/robes from fitting in there especially when I tapered the rack down at an angle. The hardware cloth wraps slightly around the heater so it can't tip over and it is thermostat controlled so if I put a robe directly on top of it, the worst that will happen is it shuts off. I've used that heater in the past to help cure composites in a cardboard box and I think the hottest it ever got in smaller box was 170 degrees before the thermostat kicked in. Haven't put a thermostat in this box yet but 170 is about the hottest a clothes dryer gets to my knowledge when all the clothes are dry.


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Re: Towel/robe warmer
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2015, 02:57:32 pm »
interesting idea...  I would second the idea of some foam board, or even the foil bubblewrap to help make it a bit more efficient even if just to get it to warm more evenly inside.  And my crackerjack engineer brain says if I was going to do it, I'd put the heater on a shelf at one end so it was mid level in the box, then run the screen in front of it for safety.  put two closet rods running long ways across the top end of the box to drape the towels over. Leave enough room for the lid to close of course.  Now warm air would blow through the towels and you won't have to reach into the bottom of the box to get them out.


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Re: Towel/robe warmer
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2015, 03:34:32 pm »
Here's my version



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Re: Towel/robe warmer
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2015, 05:06:22 pm »
Here's my version

2 droplights! What happens when you can't get incandescent bulbs anymore ... LEDs don't produce enough heat. LOL!!


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Re: Towel/robe warmer
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2015, 05:12:40 pm »
Seeing what was made, I was thinking of a big Igloo cooler with the heater in it, looks like a heater you can get from Walmart for $10. I work on blanket warming units and basically it's a fancier version of these. The only thing you kind of need to do is to keep channels along the sides, back and front so that air can flow freely to the heater and from the heater. AND (this is important) clean the lint from the heating elements.

Great ideas!


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Re: Towel/robe warmer
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2015, 05:42:49 pm »
Good information from people thinking of ways to improve my design.

Here's my version

I did see your version when I was looking and it gave me the push I needed to make my own. I didn't think light bulbs would be enough but had considered reptile heat lamps. Ultimately, I didn't want to open a box full of light or see light sneaking out of the gaps in the lid so I went with a heater.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Towel/robe warmer
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2015, 05:42:49 pm »


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