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Author Topic: Buying Hydropool/Artesian/Jacuzzi/Hotspring in USA/Canada to be shipped to swede  (Read 4477 times)


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I really have been looking quite a bit to be able to buy a whirlpool in the us/canada but there doesnt seem to be any interest of the vendors.

In sweden everything is VERY expensive. I have read some posts here and there are crazy price differencies.

I hope someone here works as a vendor or can help me in the right direction.

The tax to be applied to sweden is at the moment just 6.5 % which means I save thousands of dollars.

I wonder if I can fly to us/canada and get help with this matter as well, that isnt a problem if that is the case.

I hope you can help me out!

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Many years ago when I sold Hydropool the dealer that I worked for sold a tub to someone from Portugal.  The factory had to make it to the proper specs for the country.  It cost a lot more then what we typically sold that tub for but it was doable

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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There's the catch. Your electricity is different from that of North America and the entire electrical aspect of the spa has to be different.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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HI There, I know there are a few Artesian owners from the UK on these boards.ChrisDK is in Denmark and hard an Artesian. Here is the link for Artesian UK, they serve Sweden also,http://www.artesianspas.co.uk/contact-a-dealer?c=Sweden
Also here is the ink for Artesian Germany.http://www.artesianspas-europe.com/#slide-3


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Yes i'm aware of the differencies but that can by no means apply a price change of 10 000 - 20 000 USD which is the case of the really expansive hot tubs/ swim spas

Do you have any clues how much extra that will be charged if I order this directly to a store in us/canada and from there fix the shipping?

please help :)

Thanks so for for all of your input!


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Let us know if someone does help you out!  I'm curious more than anything.  I just seriously doubt a us/Canadian dealer would go through the work to even get a quote on shipping. 


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Let us know if someone does help you out!  I'm curious more than anything.  I just seriously doubt a us/Canadian dealer would go through the work to even get a quote on shipping.

The manufacturer will though in some cases. I did it a long time ago with hydro pool. I know it cost a lot though


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I would think that most manufacturers wouldn't sell a European version to a U.S. dealer to avoid the uproar from the European dealer down the road when they have to work on a spa that they didn't sell.


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I see. From my point of view I can buy a spa bath here in europé as well of the price is right.

In Sweden it costs a Fortuna to buy a big and well Done spa bath. Swim spa OS between 30000-70000 USD if it is a good brand.


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Also if the spa bath is a return, a used one ( maintained) , demo i'm interested in that also. Here in Sweden the market is very strict. If I find a demo spa bath which just had been showed in the showrooms I get Max 20 %. And those prices are still very high. If I buy a cheap hot tub Ill have to pay high electricity bills and also he quality of massage and components is a joke.

Since I have a medical condition this is my only way out. I can't use any gels or anything for my shoulder/back/neck. Even though i'm this Young this annoys me every day. When my cardiac valve shut down I became very "unmovable" because I coudnt stretch out because of the scar.
And now I eat a medicine for my cardiac valve to work but that medicine limits any sorts of gels/calming creams for my problem-areas, so yes i'm desperate :/


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Hi Rickard , i no longer feel alone in having to get a tub for medical conditions - i broke my back in several areas - was in the miltary -- etc and used my body as a "playground" for many years--so i feel your pain. Once you get a hot tub it is WELL worth the money as every day the pain eventually goes away-I love water therapy like this and yes i am addicted. On another note-don't give up,there is alot of knowledge on this group and i am very certain someone here can point you in the right direction ! 8)


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Thanks Drummerguy I have actually noticed a vender in denmark and they ship to me.

They Sell for example a used Hydropool for around 6000 euro from 2007 but it has been Done a whole reparation and service and I then wonder is this a good buy or not? Full price is around 12000 euro here if I buy it brand new.

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