Hi everyone,
It's been 5 years and it's time for a new spa cover. I usually just order a replacement from my HotSprings dealer, but I thought I might check the old internet to see if anything new has been invented for covering spas. I found this Airframe spa cover (by Coverplay), but they have literally NO web presence other than their website and a marketing video on Youtube. (Well, there is ONE comment on their Facebook page.) I've never seen so little feedback for anything, so at a minimum they will now have TWO search results on Google.

Summary of the cover: It doesn't use EPS (bad for landfills), and isn't a big balloon like the Spacap, but it does use air in some sort of chambers. Here's how they put it:
"Radiant energy barriers surround the air chambers limiting emissivity and condensation. As layered air chambers have minimal conductivity (no mass), they insulate better than new EPS foam and much better than water soaked foam." There are things about them I don't like, like no skirt, no corner tie-downs, and a little pricey, unless it really lasts for 10 years.
So, I was wondering if anyone has one, and if so, are they are as good as they claim? Or has anybody even seen one in real life, or are they "vaporware"?
Thanks for any replies!