Picked up a couple PVC tee's, and some 3/8" tubing, and replaced the last dripping bits. It was a bit of an adventure with a full tub. My son covered some open ends, I covered others while fitting the new parts. Power off, of course.
Good news on the flow switch front. I looked up the part number, and found the
manufacturer's site. The switch has a little finger that sticks up into the flow path, and moving fluid drags it over, causing it to actuate. The switch in my tub was mounted with the finger 90 degrees off the flow path. The little finger was quivering away in the moving fluid, but didn't move over to the actuated position. I rotated the switch body, to orient the finger properly, pulled the jumper out of the circuit, and the tub powered up and worked just fine. No more FLO error.

There's more issues to address - a couple jets need replacing, and the built-in stereo powers up but there's no audio. Those issues can wait. Need to finish a glass of wine, and eat some left-over candy - only a half-dozen kids this year. Usually we get 20-30.
Tman - The local pool and spa people were just great. They had lots of stock of parts, and were very encouraging, and free with advice. I'm sure they're looking forward to another customer for chemicals and supplies, and I'm quite happy to oblige. I'm no plumber, but have tackled a wide variety of home and auto repairs over the years, so the actual work wasn't bad. It just took time to familiarize myself with the equipment, as well as deal with the thick layer of foam hiding everything.
av8r - up from low 50's to 80 now. We'll bring a water sample in tomorrow or Monday and figure out what we can use from our big pile of spare chemicals that came with the tub.