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Topic: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics? (Read 13240 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 12
Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
October 28, 2015, 09:08:52 pm »
I'm working on a fitting leak on my J-365 tub. It looks like the leak is down below the waterfall. It's a foamed tub, so I'm digging foam out, but a picture of the hoses and fittings in that area prior to foaming would be really helpful. Any ideas where I might find such a pic?
Hot Tub Forum
Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
October 28, 2015, 09:08:52 pm »
Jacuzzi Jim
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Posts: 3584
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #1 on:
October 28, 2015, 09:33:50 pm »
Theses pics are what's there give or take the actual waterfall itself. The barbed fitting and that white fitting are whats attached to the 3/4" line. Better chance the waterfall is leaking vs the fittings. But I have seen both.
Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 09:36:03 pm by Jacuzzi Jim
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Posts: 12
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #2 on:
October 28, 2015, 10:04:32 pm »
Thanks for the reply, Jim! I tracked the leak to a split white plastic 2" fitting connected to the big 2" flex PVC line way down under the waterfall section of the tub. Looks like frost damage, as the tub sat empty last winter, but wasn't professionally winterized. Previous owner said he blew out all the lines with compressed air, but...she be leakin'
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4338
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #3 on:
October 29, 2015, 05:46:58 am »
I just fixed a leak in my tub and used an epoxy repair putty from Home depot, it was inexpensive, bonded with the pvc and after it hardened ( I gave it an hour) didn't leak. My tub is 10 YO and the part looked like a bear to replace ... Someone here mentioned using something like that and it did work great.
If you do use it just make sure you mix it really well, put it on where it covers the hole plus overlaps the area by about an inch or so and give it time to harden before setting it up. It does say it can work underwater but since you are talking possibly some pressure pushing out, I would give it ample time to bond and dry.
Junior Member
Posts: 12
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #4 on:
October 29, 2015, 05:50:12 pm »
Hi Vinny, thanks for the ideas. It's miserable out right now, but I did manage to clear out the leak area a bit, and took a picture of the part. It looks like a PVC assembly that perhaps the ice pushed apart? Water runs out of the vertical crack. The picture in question is taken at the bottom of the tub on the waterfall side (opposite to the equipment side).
Jacuzzi Jim
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Posts: 3584
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #5 on:
October 29, 2015, 07:04:14 pm »
Not sure, but I think that might be a check valve to one of the main pumps? What size line is that running into it?
Junior Member
Posts: 12
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #6 on:
October 29, 2015, 09:12:20 pm »
That's a big 2" line running into it. It looks like there's a seam in that fitting, and it's been pushed apart, presumably by ice action. Tomorrow after work I'll work on trimming back the foam better in that area. Just above that fitting there are some very small hoses, so I'll need to work slowly to avoid causing collateral damage!
Jacuzzi Jim
Ultimate Member
Posts: 3584
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #7 on:
October 29, 2015, 10:13:54 pm »
We don't see a lot of Freeze damage, but any I have seen doesn't push, it cracks fittings. Most likely a bad glue joint. I think it's a check valve and that right end runs to a suction fitting in the foot well. Guessing you follow the other end and it will run to pump 1. Doubt any kind of putty type product will work, your going to need to cut that out and replace it with a new check valve. Honestly it's going to be a pain getting in there and replacing.
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4338
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #8 on:
October 30, 2015, 06:22:11 am »
I thought 8t looked like a seam as well but was looking on a phone screen.
As far as the epoxy putty, it wouldn't hurt to try. The stuff at HD is about $3 for 2 ounces ... Buy 2 and you should have more than enough. It is rated for some pressure (I think like 120PSI, but don't quote me) and if it works great if not you wasted $6 and an hour or so of your time.
My repair was on an air valve joint, I used 3/4 of the putty to put all around the joint and spread it out a little, waited for it to dry, filled the tub and it held. Would I have gotten the same results if there was pressure IDK!
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Posts: 143
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #9 on:
October 30, 2015, 07:49:51 pm »
Put the epoxy on there to seal the crack, then wrap it with silicone "rescue tape" to keep pressure from blowing the epoxy off.
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4338
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #10 on:
October 30, 2015, 08:01:16 pm »
Here's the stuff I got:
The MFG claims it holds up to 1200 PSI and 500 degrees.
I think if you can get a good bead around that pipe with a nice overlap it just may work. Maybe push some of the putty into the crack (small amount) making sure you have enough over it as well (don't think using it in a thin layer).
I'm sure glad Jaynen gave me that suggestion!
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Posts: 12
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #11 on:
October 30, 2015, 09:54:30 pm »
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. With a bit of work I managed to pull out that section. As it was split all the way around, I was worried about patching it. The fractured part is a check-valve. I've purchased a replacement, with connectors, and aim to get this fit in place tomorrow.
Assuming this is the last leak, any thoughts on what should be done with the wet foam underneath? The bottom few inches are pretty soaked.
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4338
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #12 on:
October 31, 2015, 06:53:27 am »
What I did with mine was take out as much foam as I could and bought that rigid foam board insulation. I tried that great stuff in the can but it didn't work too well so that's when I went with the rigid foam. I only used an inch so that area only hàs an r4 value but its kind of a smallish area . there was a ton more insulation that was wet and I couldn't get to so I'm hoping it eventually dries out. I will say that I don't know if I should have left that wet foam in or not so hopefully someone else can chime in.
BTW, great job taking that out! We're there unions? Or was it a hacksaw type of job?
Junior Member
Posts: 12
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #13 on:
October 31, 2015, 10:42:38 am »
Sawzall and manual cutting with hacksaw blade got the broken piece out. Getting the big nut off the water inlet going through the side of the tub was the biggest challenge. There wasn't enough room to get a tool on it, and it wouldn't budge by hand. I ended up cutting notches in the edge of the nut, and prying it up with a pry bar against a wood block. Major PITA, but it's out now, and the replacement pieces installed.
Here's the butchered parts after removal. That check valve was split all the way around.
And here's the replacement parts. The local pool & spa guys didn't have the same style check, but they said this one would work. I had to replace the water inlet fitting also, but it's not shown here.
Job done. Hopefully the next trip to the spa shop is with a water sample, not another broken part...
Junior Member
Posts: 12
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #14 on:
October 31, 2015, 06:13:37 pm »
Yeah!! It holds water! Now on to the next issues. There's a few small drips from a couple of the 3/8" PVC tees in the bypass circuit. The hose is pretty stiff, so I think I'll just replace, and use gear clamps rather than those spring-loaded jobbies that are pretty rusty at this point.
One other issue is the faulty flow switch. It seems to close when watching it visually, but I get FLO error on the panel. When manually shorting the leads, the heater starts properly, so I guess flow switch swap is the next step.
Oh, and to complete my show and tell, here's the other freeze-damaged hose I replaced. How's that for a nasty crack?
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Jacuzzi J-365 Plumbing Pics?
Reply #14 on:
October 31, 2015, 06:13:37 pm »
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