Hey Everybody,
It's been a while since I've been around, hope everyone is doing OK!
I have a leak in my tub, had it for a while and because of procrastination on my part I think it also affected one of my pumps as well (it became very noisy) by sucking up air from the filter area. I have a Artesian Island Grand Cayman that's 10 YO and other than the leak and the pump noise, seems to be doing OK.
So I knew the area where the leak was and today I looked at the problem and believe it is coming from here:

So I ripped the foam around it and it seems to be coming from the joint with the lip, it seems to be an oozing leak (although I didn't turn the tub on without the foam) . That manifold looks nasty to work with so my question is - is there anything I can use to seal it up like RTV or aquarium silicone without messing with taking the whole manifold apart for a major repair. I'm thinking that if I clean up the foam from all those hoses and joints on the manifold and spread some sealant to seal all those hose endings and the lip that once it dries it may be OK. Or do you have something else that you use? Right now I am air drying it and hopefully I can pin point the leak a little better. The foam above this doesn't feel wet and the foam around and below this manifold were sopping wet. I know about the food dye trick but we don't have any and I'm thinking I would need a lot as I have never used food dye before. The manifold may be one of my air jet controllers, that seems to be the only thing next to my filter that would require plumbing.
So my idea may be idiotic - I need your help! What should I do to fix it?
Thanks in advance!