My lovely and gracious wife arrived looking absolutely beautiful. Â I look very tired. Â I hadn't slept much the previous 2 days because of sweating out the details. Â I also have a new camera and didn't have the red-eye filter set. Â I apologize for the poor quality of some of the photos.

My little brother, the personal trainer and martial arts combat guru, arrived with his lovely wife.

Mr. Party Animal himself, JB, showed up and posed with a couple of the young ladies that were helping cater the festivities. Â JB owns an Envoy that sees a lot of use.

The beautiful Doralene fires one up! Â She is seen here with my boss. Â Doralene is the receptionist at the office of mine and my boss' dentist. Â She is newly single.

Dr. & Mrs. Mapes, my very first customers arrived. Â I'm still trying to convince them to trade in their old HS Classic, but he's waiting until it breaks. Â May be a looonnnggg wait!

More famous and beautiful people arrive and join in the fun.

Brooks and Dunn make an appearance

Mounds of Sound DJ Service kept the music coming

Things started heating up..........
To be continued in Our Party Part 3............