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Author Topic: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)  (Read 9519 times)


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New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« on: September 12, 2015, 01:02:07 pm »
Hello Everyone - I'm trying to buy my first hot tub.  I've been researching for around a month now and have been using this forum which has been a great reference.  But like other newbies I'm disheartened and exhausted dealing with all of the dealers and sales people. 

I have budget of around $6000 out the door and I'm realizing that isn't much in the hot tub world unless I'm going to buy something from Costco.  I'm not interested in a lounge and I want something that can seat 5-6 people minimum.  I have teens that are going to use it and they've been shopping with me and really want something with plenty of LED's, a water feature and stereo. Based on what I've read I can probably save a good amount without the stereo and it would be one less thing to break so I can live without that I guess.  I need a lift and want something built solid and dependable.  I live in PA so it has to be energy efficient and won't cost me an arm and a leg during the winter months.   

So my questions are.... Are there any recommendations for a solid tub in my price range?   What can I expect to pay monthly in monthly electricity being that the winters can be really cold in PA? 

So far the bare bones Jacuzzi J-245, Mira M700 NL, Caldera Vanto seem to be close to my budget but all are around $1000 over my limit once tax and a few options are added.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

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New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« on: September 12, 2015, 01:02:07 pm »


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2015, 03:18:02 pm »
Yeah, if you up that budget a bit you will have no problem.  You're going to make sacrifices in your current range.  I certainly wouldn't try to get a stereo, especially in that price range.  Get an outdoor bluetooth speaker.

Of the ones you listed the Jacuzzi or Caldera would be my choice. 

Edited to say wouldn't. oops
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 02:58:30 pm by Sam »


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2015, 05:18:15 pm »
I am a newbie too and also recently went through the first hot-tub buying experience. We found that our "budget" of what we wanted to spend and our "appetite" for what we wanted to GET did not line up... also learned that the "Wet Test" is every bit as critical as everyone on here says it is.

I thought we were completely set on a LaZBoy Spa. Great features "on paper" and it fit the budget... then we wet-tested it and the bigger, $2000-more-expensive model and sadly ruled both of them out. (Not comfortable and no way to stay put in the "ReclinaSeat" which was the key feature of the spa.)

I'd been looking at/drooling over Jacuzzi spas since I saw them at a home show a couple of years ago. I tried to rule them out because of the high price tag, but kept coming back to them because of the features. We looked at Hot Springs, Sundance, Maxx, Dynasty and others. The wet-test sealed the deal for the Jacuzzi. We spent quite a bit more than our original "would like to spend" budget because we loved the tub, and decided that the extra would be worthwhile over the years of use.

We chose the Jacuzzi J-470, and while I wish I could wrap this up with a glowing review of our experience with it, we haven't taken delivery yet because we have to complete our new deck before we'll have a spot to put it. But the good news is, we're only 2-3 weeks away now.... Can't wait!!! :)

Good luck with your search!


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2015, 06:56:39 pm »
Many dealers are doing 0% financing now.  You can stretch your budget a little.  Use your $6000.  Finance at 0% another $1000 or so and you have a good spa with the extras you need...cover lifter, steps, etc.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2015, 02:58:51 pm »
I am a newbie too and also recently went through the first hot-tub buying experience. We found that our "budget" of what we wanted to spend and our "appetite" for what we wanted to GET did not line up... also learned that the "Wet Test" is every bit as critical as everyone on here says it is.

I thought we were completely set on a LaZBoy Spa. Great features "on paper" and it fit the budget... then we wet-tested it and the bigger, $2000-more-expensive model and sadly ruled both of them out. (Not comfortable and no way to stay put in the "ReclinaSeat" which was the key feature of the spa.)

I'd been looking at/drooling over Jacuzzi spas since I saw them at a home show a couple of years ago. I tried to rule them out because of the high price tag, but kept coming back to them because of the features. We looked at Hot Springs, Sundance, Maxx, Dynasty and others. The wet-test sealed the deal for the Jacuzzi. We spent quite a bit more than our original "would like to spend" budget because we loved the tub, and decided that the extra would be worthwhile over the years of use.

We chose the Jacuzzi J-470, and while I wish I could wrap this up with a glowing review of our experience with it, we haven't taken delivery yet because we have to complete our new deck before we'll have a spot to put it. But the good news is, we're only 2-3 weeks away now.... Can't wait!!! :)

Good luck with your search!

Thanks for sharing.  The J-470 is badass!


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2015, 09:34:50 pm »
I've ruled out the Mira and narrowed it down to the Jacuzzi j-245 which seems to be right in my range and a Bullfrog x7 which is their line without the jetpacks. The bullfrog costs a little more than the Jacuzzi but it has the circ pump and full foam which the Jacuzzi does not.   So trying to decide this week any additional advice is appreciated being that I can't find any reviews on the Bullfrog x7. 


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2015, 10:48:59 am »
I've ruled out the Mira and narrowed it down to the Jacuzzi j-245 which seems to be right in my range and a Bullfrog x7 which is their line without the jetpacks. The bullfrog costs a little more than the Jacuzzi but it has the circ pump and full foam which the Jacuzzi does not.   So trying to decide this week any additional advice is appreciated being that I can't find any reviews on the Bullfrog x7.
It's really 6 of one half dozen of the other with those 2.  Bullfrog uses Balboa components so there's nothing really to review.  Lots of other players use Balboa.  Pick the one you prefer based on color, wet test, etc.


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2015, 11:42:48 am »
Yeah don't waste money on a stereo I just bought this Cambridge SoundWorks OontZ Angle 2 [The PLUS Edition] Ultra Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker with Built in Mic up to 15 Hour Playtime works with iPhone iPad tablet Samsung and smart phones (GREEN) from amazon for 25.00 and it works great and is plenty loud enough.


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2015, 04:59:28 pm »
We have recently researched and purchased our first hot tub. When we bought the house we ended up with literally twenty-year old Jacuzzi Quantum 7700000 which was 93x93 and had around 4.5 jets. Previous owner of the house never used the tub so it sat pretty much for at least 10 years. I threw it out, but I needed to close 93x93 hole since the deck and steps were built around it. During the process we did not wet test any of the tubs, but we certainly sat in them to get an idea of what it might feel like. Here is what was important for us:

- Size, tub needed to be at least 91x91. But since I guess you don't have this requirement smaller tubs would work for you.
- Everyone in the family should be able to use it. We have two adults and two kids. My wife is around 5.4 (last time I measured her). Having tub where each seat is the same in depth was not going to work. Kids would not be able to use it comfortable and my wife would be constantly complaining. After we purchased our tub (where each seat is having different depth) I have noticed that during periods of cooling down it is alot more comforable for people to sit in a taller seat with jets rather than in a cool down seat or even being completely out of the tub.
- Construction. The original twenty-year old Jacuzzi had its entire corner under the skirt eaten away. All that black-colored soft wood was rotten and eaten. For that reason I needed to have a tub that has base built out of plastic tray (Jacuzzi 300+ series, Marquis) rather than painted wood (Caldera, Hot Spring, Jacuzzi 200 series). In the place where the tub was going to be put I would not be able to reach underneath it and spray it for bugs so that solid plastic barrier was important. Added benefit to this would be that any leaks, if they were to occur, would stay inside that plastic tray.
- Full foam insulation. I admit I was not crazy about full-foam insulation from the maintenance and accessibility standpoint but after having tub for 3+ weeks I have noticed that it helps hold the heat extremely well. At 70 F ambient tub drops it temperature from 99 to 100 in about 8 hours, cover is on all the time. Added benefit of the tub that we have purchased (I can't speak about others) is that it cover fits extremely well and creates full seal around the edges and vacuum inside.
- Seat design. From the seat design perspective we have rulled out any tub that had filtratio system installed in the corner since corner sitting provides convenient way for multiple people to enjoy the tub without sitting immediately next to each other.
- Pump design. I am not particularly crazy about circulation pump and I especially liked Marquis design where main pumps are used in lieu of circulation pumps to move water around. Some people don't see a problem with the pump that needs to run at least eight hours a day, but for me it is another point of failure.
- 208V vs 120V. Everything needed to be 208V. I am not a certified electrician but I after I have looked at Caldera's breaker panel where multiple 20A and 30A breakers were used this made me think that some electrical components might be wired for 110V. On the large non-portable spas this would translate to either underpowered heater or pumps.
- Lights. In Marquis every seat has two LED lights. No lights in the bottom but 14+ lights is move then enough to eliminate tub and ensure that no dark corners would exist.
- Speakers, Wifi and other fancy electronics which immediately not relevant to the heating and circulating the water. They are over-priced for what they are and would be just enough piece of electronics that would fail, temperature swings, moisture etc.. If I need stereo I use BT. Added benefit to not having this feature is that some manufacturers use pop-up speakers in the corners and I happen to like these areas to sit and cool down. I can't imagine myself sitting on top of the speaker all the time.
- Price. Very important factor. We have purchased our 2015 Marquis Euphoria for 9400+tax. Some dealers did not want to move on price, and I ended up using them for show rooms. The dealer that we have purchased the tub from I actually never even saw. I just called, got the price, placed the order and that was it.

Hope that helps.


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2015, 05:39:09 pm »
Where did you get a marquis euphoria for $9400 in the northeast. That's a very good price


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2015, 08:00:06 pm »
That was from "Del Mar Pools and Spas" from Danbury, Connecticut. Actually very nice folks to work with. Caldera was quoted around $9500 (tub + steps + cover + lifter + electrical panel) for Niagara by the store from Westport, Connecticut but I did not like the quality of how Caldera was built in comparison with Marquis. Jacuzzi dealers quoted J-385 for low $11k but then they refused to take credit cards and it was either cash or financing at 4-5%, both were not an option for me. CalSpa dealer did not have any spa to show even thou I made it clear that I am somewhat reluctant to spend $10k on something that I can only look at the picture of, and spas that they have offered were in $14k range. All the other ones Bullfrog, Hot Spring, Artesian and Thermospa (not that I particularly like Thermospa) were in $12k-14k range. There are quite a few promotions and events in North East now, one is being BigE where I heard spas are being sold at reduced prices.

My spa came with no "Aroma Infusion" so I got some money back. This is what I got from the dealer:

2015 Marquis Signature series - Euphoria includes:

stainless steel jets
foam filled cabinet
Constellation LED lighting
Inline chemical system
Aroma infusions
240 V pump upgrade
Matching cover
start-up chemicals
pre-site inspection
Delivery to your site
your choice of shell colors
spa tutorial after your hot tub is hooked by electrician

I will add the cover lifter with installation and the 2 step matching steps at no extra cost
Price will remain at $ 9,800.00 plus tax of $ 686.00 = $ 10,486.00.


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2015, 08:12:44 pm »
You did good. It's a great tub


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2015, 09:00:39 pm »
That was from "Del Mar Pools and Spas" from Danbury, Connecticut. Actually very nice folks to work with. Caldera was quoted around $9500 (tub + steps + cover + lifter + electrical panel) for Niagara by the store from Westport, Connecticut but I did not like the quality of how Caldera was built in comparison with Marquis. Jacuzzi dealers quoted J-385 for low $11k but then they refused to take credit cards and it was either cash or financing at 4-5%, both were not an option for me. CalSpa dealer did not have any spa to show even thou I made it clear that I am somewhat reluctant to spend $10k on something that I can only look at the picture of, and spas that they have offered were in $14k range. All the other ones Bullfrog, Hot Spring, Artesian and Thermospa (not that I particularly like Thermospa) were in $12k-14k range. There are quite a few promotions and events in North East now, one is being BigE where I heard spas are being sold at reduced prices.

I am curious what was it about the Caldera that you did not like about their quality compared to the Marquis.  I can understand liking the Marquis more, but I have never heard of a quality perception issue.

My spa came with no "Aroma Infusion" so I got some money back. This is what I got from the dealer:

2015 Marquis Signature series - Euphoria includes:

stainless steel jets
foam filled cabinet
Constellation LED lighting
Inline chemical system
Aroma infusions
240 V pump upgrade
Matching cover
start-up chemicals
pre-site inspection
Delivery to your site
your choice of shell colors
spa tutorial after your hot tub is hooked by electrician

I will add the cover lifter with installation and the 2 step matching steps at no extra cost
Price will remain at $ 9,800.00 plus tax of $ 686.00 = $ 10,486.00.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2015, 05:25:40 am »
That's a really good price on the Euphoria.  Most places sell for 2-3000 higher. Enjoy, that's a really nice spa!

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Re: New Hot Tub Advice (First Time Buyer)
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2015, 05:25:40 am »


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