Not sure if anyone knows...But is there a way to enter the programming of the Balboa BP2000 pack to change the auto pump timeout/shutoff from 15 minute intervals
to 30 minute intervals? I shot Balboa an email last week...and surprisingly a Balboa tech called me back. When I told him what I was trying to do...he started to say that it is possible...but once he asked if I contacted MS and asked what they said...I said yes...and told him that they didn't recommend soon as I said that. He said it couldn't be done. So...I'm not convinced. I still think there might be way and if anyone could shed some light on this it would be a great help. I'd like to relax..not turn on pumps every 15 minutes. Some other spas I've been in have an auto shutoff of 30 min...and imo a good duration versus 15 min.
Please advise and thank you in advance.
Nick B
Middleton, MA