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Author Topic: Question about hot tub delivery  (Read 2091 times)


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Question about hot tub delivery
« on: September 30, 2015, 08:17:16 am »
When they delivered my Jacuzzi on Monday, as they "eased" it into the opening in the deck (I use the quotes very intentionally as it seemed like a pretty primitive process), I heard a cracking/crackling sound. At the time I couldn't bear to watch so I just walked away and let the 2 delivery guys and 4 additional guys on my landscaper's crew handle getting it where it needed to be. They got it in, none of the deck structure seemed damaged and I checked it as best I could.

The next morning, I asked one of the landscaping crew if he heard the cracking too and whether he thought there might be damage to any deck wood or the tub itself. He said no, he didn't think so, that the hot tub is built to withstand a lot. Then he pressed on one of the skirt covers and it made a similar "crackling" sound when flexed in and out, so he said that it was probably just the sides flexing when they moved it over the edge into the opening.

Should I be concerned over this? We got the electrical hooked up yesterday but the tub isn't filled yet so we have not turned it on at all. Today I'm going to try to get into it to clean the inside and we're planning to fill it and heat it this Friday/weekend.

Hot Tub Forum

Question about hot tub delivery
« on: September 30, 2015, 08:17:16 am »


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Re: Question about hot tub delivery
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2015, 08:28:36 am »
No strange noises when mine was delivered.  The delivery crew consisted of 4 preety big dudes all very friendly.  Unwrapped it, picked it up carried it about thirty feet and set it on my concrete slab and they were gone.  Offered to install the cover lifter, but I declined that.  No strange noises since the delivery.

Your install may have been more difficult than mine.  "Opening in the deck" sounds like a tight squeeze - maybe.  My skirts haven't made any weird noises, but I haven't went around and touched them all yet.  Seems to be pretty solid so far.

I'll check more when I get home from work.  Did they deliver your extras for the color issue?


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Re: Question about hot tub delivery
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2015, 08:33:21 am »
Yes tipped it from the dolly onto the deck joists (no boards or railing yet, thankfully) then tipped it and basically slid it down into the opening. The landscapers where surprised they didn't have any straps with them. They used a plank of wood to slide under it to get it down, which might also have contributed to cracking noises.

I was impressed that the deck withstood the weight - I'm sure my guys didn't build it to withstand 900lb of weight on one end but it held up pretty well.

Lots of talk but no delivery yet on the extras.


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Re: Question about hot tub delivery
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2015, 09:17:46 am »
A little clarification.  I said no strange noises.  I did mean no strange noises that would not be expected during handling andinstallation.  I work for a large company (in Seattle) that makes things that take off and land so I'm use to use to strange noises during the build process.  I'm thinking your tub is probably fine, plus your guys said it looked ok.

Looking at my Jacuzzi inside and out I am very happy with the quality.  Those guys south of the border do good work.

When we got ours delivered, the electricians were right there finishing up their work upgrading my service to 200 amps.  They wanted to get her hooked up right then so I was caught a little unprepared as far as getting it cleaned before use.

Visually it looked pretty clean.  I got my Costco wipes and hit a couple areas then filled it up.  Electrician hooked it up and everything worked perfectly.  That was about 4 or 5 pm I think.  Woke up from a nap at 11pm it was up to 102 degrees. 

After 40 days or so the water still looks great, smells great, and all the numbers are good.  I'm surprised how easy it is.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Question about hot tub delivery
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2015, 09:17:46 am »


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