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Author Topic: Opinions wanted: Narrowed it down to Hotsprings Sovereign, Envoy, and Flair.  (Read 21789 times)

ski bum

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First post, I'm a ski bum living in Montana.  Naturally, I had to have a hot tub for the Apres Ski this coming winter. 

I've narrowed it down to Bullfrog and Hotsprings.  Both have great dealer support in my town, both are high quality tubs that are efficient and reliable.  The R6L and Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria are the right size for my wife and I (and the occasional guests).  I've seen prices all over the board, but nothing that recent.  Without negotiation, the Bullfrog dealer is quoting me $7700 for the R6L including cover, lift, chemicals, steps, delivered).  No quotes from Hotsprings yet, but they say they are having a factory sale starting September 15th on the highlife collection, including a $1000 discount over the normal pricing. 

We are scheduled to wet test this weekend.  Depending on how that goes, we want to get our order in soon.  I am hoping that some of you can help me with pricing for negotiating the price down. 

Thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 01:34:57 pm by ski bum »

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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2015, 09:05:47 pm »
I've looked at both the Bullfrog R6L and the Hot Springs Aria... Prices in New England were about $6999 for the R6L and about $10500 for the Aria. Hope that helps. For what it's worth, I did like the R6L but loved the Aria. If you want a similar price point to the R6L, check out the Hot Springs Flair. I believe that's around $7500 and has a similar seating style to the Aria. Good luck!


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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2015, 12:40:15 am »
Bullfrog was having a Labor Day $500 rebate... might give your dealer a call and see if you can still get that if you buy soon...

I don't have an R6L quote, but do have R6 quote, and I think they are the same $.  My quote was $7200, that included ozone and circ pump option, cover, delivery and hauling my old tub away. Did not include lifter or step as I didn't like their options for those.  This was before any negotiation. Also, California if that makes much difference.

After further discussion and negotiations, we ordered an R7 with the same options for $7600 and will get $500 rebate as well. Original quote on R7 was $8200

ski bum

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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2015, 11:34:15 am »
Thanks for the info...anyone else know what these tubs are actually selling for?  I hate not knowing what price is a good deal or not on these brands. 


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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2015, 11:54:14 am »
I am in the process of buying the Sovereign. Not sure if my price was good or not, but I got the Sovereign for about 9.1K. It includes the salt system, the steps, cover, cover lifter, chemicals, and delivery. It was the floor model, so we didn't get to pick colors, but it's a really nice spa. We loved the Envoy but felt we got a better $$ deal with the Soverign and honestly, it was just a nice. Just doesn't have the Captains chair that the Envoy does. We went to Hot Springs first for wet testing, and after they offered us the floor model with free salt system included, we didn't go on to try the Jacuzzi or Calderas we were going to try.

ski bum

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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2015, 12:08:02 pm »
Any dealers on the forum that can chime in?  Anybody have a price list for either brand?


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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2015, 12:33:58 pm »
Bullfrog was having a Labor Day $500 rebate... might give your dealer a call and see if you can still get that if you buy soon...

I don't have an R6L quote, but do have R6 quote, and I think they are the same $.  My quote was $7200, that included ozone and circ pump option, cover, delivery and hauling my old tub away. Did not include lifter or step as I didn't like their options for those.  This was before any negotiation. Also, California if that makes much difference.

After further discussion and negotiations, we ordered an R7 with the same options for $7600 and will get $500 rebate as well. Original quote on R7 was $8200

That is a ridiculously good deal for an R7.  Good job. 


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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2015, 01:09:19 pm »
Any dealers on the forum that can chime in?  Anybody have a price list for either brand?

LOL, good luck with that.  One of the things that has frustrated me in the shopping process is the lack of information on pricing data.  They seem to keep it stored in an underground vault deep in the Rockies.  In most cases, even manufactures won't list MSRP on websites... Jacuzzi/Sundunce excepted.  Or if they do, they are crazy high so dealers can play the huge discount card in their sales game.

So the consumers are left to try and compare notes to try and figure out what reasonable is. We can hope that WikiLeaks digs it up one of these days.  ;D


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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2015, 03:43:04 pm »

After further discussion and negotiations, we ordered an R7 with the same options for $7600 and will get $500 rebate as well. Original quote on R7 was $8200

The price you quote is what at least 2 dealers locally were able to offer us a few weeks ago.  Sounds like it's a decent number.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2015, 04:09:14 pm »
Any dealers on the forum that can chime in?  Anybody have a price list for either brand?

LOL, good luck with that.  One of the things that has frustrated me in the shopping process is the lack of information on pricing data.  They seem to keep it stored in an underground vault deep in the Rockies.  In most cases, even manufactures won't list MSRP on websites... Jacuzzi/Sundunce excepted.  Or if they do, they are crazy high so dealers can play the huge discount card in their sales game.

So the consumers are left to try and compare notes to try and figure out what reasonable is. We can hope that WikiLeaks digs it up one of these days.  ;D

 If you do searches here, you will find dealers that say its a good price or where it should be on many brands.  I have even posted what we sell Bullfrogs for and Jacuzzi's over the last 5 plus years I have been around here.    Now it might not be the price some one is going to get from their dealer but it's a ball park. 

 To original poster we sell the R6 or R6l for 6995.00 or so. 

ski bum

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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2015, 05:34:26 pm »
Any dealers on the forum that can chime in?  Anybody have a price list for either brand?

LOL, good luck with that.  One of the things that has frustrated me in the shopping process is the lack of information on pricing data.  They seem to keep it stored in an underground vault deep in the Rockies.  In most cases, even manufactures won't list MSRP on websites... Jacuzzi/Sundunce excepted.  Or if they do, they are crazy high so dealers can play the huge discount card in their sales game.

So the consumers are left to try and compare notes to try and figure out what reasonable is. We can hope that WikiLeaks digs it up one of these days.  ;D

 If you do searches here, you will find dealers that say its a good price or where it should be on many brands.  I have even posted what we sell Bullfrogs for and Jacuzzi's over the last 5 plus years I have been around here.    Now it might not be the price some one is going to get from their dealer but it's a ball park. 

 To original poster we sell the R6 or R6l for 6995.00 or so.

What does that price include?  Could I expect to get the R6L with my personalized color combination, jet packs, cover/lift, steps, intro chemicals, with local delivery for that price?  Would the ozonater and circ pump be extra?

Thanks for the real world info everyone. 


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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2015, 05:58:06 pm »
Just purchased a Soverign yesterday for $7900.  Included steps/delivery/cover/lifter etc.. Didn't do the ACE, seems that people either love or hate it, plus the $800 replacement seems steep in the long run.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2015, 06:08:01 pm »
Any dealers on the forum that can chime in?  Anybody have a price list for either brand?

LOL, good luck with that.  One of the things that has frustrated me in the shopping process is the lack of information on pricing data.  They seem to keep it stored in an underground vault deep in the Rockies.  In most cases, even manufactures won't list MSRP on websites... Jacuzzi/Sundunce excepted.  Or if they do, they are crazy high so dealers can play the huge discount card in their sales game.

So the consumers are left to try and compare notes to try and figure out what reasonable is. We can hope that WikiLeaks digs it up one of these days.  ;D

 If you do searches here, you will find dealers that say its a good price or where it should be on many brands.  I have even posted what we sell Bullfrogs for and Jacuzzi's over the last 5 plus years I have been around here.    Now it might not be the price some one is going to get from their dealer but it's a ball park. 

 To original poster we sell the R6 or R6l for 6995.00 or so.

What does that price include?  Could I expect to get the R6L with my personalized color combination, jet packs, cover/lift, steps, intro chemicals, with local delivery for that price?  Would the ozonater and circ pump be extra?

Thanks for the real world info everyone.
  Depends on the promo we are running, I often use a cover lift or ozone at no charge for closing the deal.    Shell which ever color they offer, as far as the packs (acrylic upgrade) that's up to the dealer, we have it priced in on ours.   Circ pump would be extra 350 I think.

ski bum

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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2015, 06:22:31 pm »
Any dealers on the forum that can chime in?  Anybody have a price list for either brand?

LOL, good luck with that.  One of the things that has frustrated me in the shopping process is the lack of information on pricing data.  They seem to keep it stored in an underground vault deep in the Rockies.  In most cases, even manufactures won't list MSRP on websites... Jacuzzi/Sundunce excepted.  Or if they do, they are crazy high so dealers can play the huge discount card in their sales game.

So the consumers are left to try and compare notes to try and figure out what reasonable is. We can hope that WikiLeaks digs it up one of these days.  ;D

 If you do searches here, you will find dealers that say its a good price or where it should be on many brands.  I have even posted what we sell Bullfrogs for and Jacuzzi's over the last 5 plus years I have been around here.    Now it might not be the price some one is going to get from their dealer but it's a ball park. 

 To original poster we sell the R6 or R6l for 6995.00 or so.

What does that price include?  Could I expect to get the R6L with my personalized color combination, jet packs, cover/lift, steps, intro chemicals, with local delivery for that price?  Would the ozonater and circ pump be extra?

Thanks for the real world info everyone.
  Depends on the promo we are running, I often use a cover lift or ozone at no charge for closing the deal.    Shell which ever color they offer, as far as the packs (acrylic upgrade) that's up to the dealer, we have it priced in on ours.   Circ pump would be extra 350 I think.

Are the ozone and circ pump a must with a Bullfrog?  When do you recommend them and when do you not? 

ski bum

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Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2015, 06:31:41 pm »
Just purchased a Soverign yesterday for $7900.  Included steps/delivery/cover/lifter etc.. Didn't do the ACE, seems that people either love or hate it, plus the $800 replacement seems steep in the long run.

Floor model or special order?  What area of the country?  I like the idea of a Sovereign for entertaining while still not being overkill day to day.  Did you wet test and did you try any others?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Price Check: Bullfrog R6L and Hotsprings Sovereign/Prodigy/Aria
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2015, 06:31:41 pm »


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