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Author Topic: Is the Hotsprings Limelight series really worth the extra cost over the Hotspot  (Read 2148 times)


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Just looking for hot tub for 3-4, no bells and whisles.  Simply looking for relaxation and hydromassage.  Really like the SX and Prodigy.....any suggesstins or happy buyers?

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We wet tested the Prodigy and really loved it...but not as much as the Envoy. Just placed my order for the Envoy. There is actually a place on the hot springs site to compare the three (high live, limelight and hotspot). And I think the Limelight has a lot of benefits over the hot spot. But go and look at their comparison and see how you feel about those differences.


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We wet tested the Prodigy and really loved it...but not as much as the Envoy. Just placed my order for the Envoy. There is actually a place on the hot springs site to compare the three (high live, limelight and hotspot). And I think the Limelight has a lot of benefits over the hot spot. But go and look at their comparison and see how you feel about those differences.

Of course you won't like the Prodigy as much as the Envoy or the Hot Spot as much as the Limelight and for obvious reasons but they're all viable options. Its all kind of like getting DirecTv where you won't like a 200 channel TV package as much as the 300 channel package or the 500 channel package. In the end its all about what's right for you. One guy can say he only needs 200 channels while the next guy says "why not just get them all and treat myself because that's what I want" and someone else chooses something in between.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

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