The AquaFinesse system used the way you describe with chlorinating granules only once per week will not be disinfected and is why it is not an EPA approved system unless chlorine is maintained throughout the week. How much is "three of the granular chlorine" -- three what? If it's teaspoons then 3 teaspoons of Dichlor in 375 gallons is 5.5 ppm FC and will not last through the week if you are using the spa. It's enough to handle a little less than one person-hour of soaking, if you have no ozonator. After the first soak, you won't have any chlorine in the spa until the next weekly dose.
The AquaFinesse liquid has surfactants to help prevent biofilm formation, but there is nothing to actually kill bacteria. That is what the Dichlor is for. The Mini Tabs were slow-release chlorine (Trichlor) to maintain a chlorine level at all times. If you don't use those, then to disinfect the spa you'd need to manually add chlorine every day or two. In between soaks it won't take much chlorine, perhaps 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Dichlor per day depending on whether you have an ozonator.