<edit -- added in some pricing, for anyone who might read this in the future>
We are planning on putting a deposit on our first hot tub today
Just want to make sure I have clear the ongoing costs. My salesman just kept saying "it's not that much"
My research shows electric costs likely in the $35-50 per month range (we are near Boston, MA), just based on the spread I see on this board (we are planning on a circ pump) = $360-600 per year
Drain and refill 4x per year. 400 gallons /7.48 = 53.47 cu ft times our water rate of $6.10=$320 per refill or $1200 per year. edit>>THIS IS THE WRONG CALC. Seems our town rates might be $6.10 per 1,000 gal, so a fill up would only cost $2.44, $7.32 per year, if we are only doing a drain and clean 3X per year. Which amounts, of course, to nothing. The nice thing is up here in Boston, we have 2X for sewer, but I have an irrigation meter for the sprinkler system I can use, which bypasses the sewer charge

Topping off as needed - don't know yet, edit>>but given the (newly found) cheap water cost, this will be nothing.
Chemicals - I don't know yet. I'll ask today, but any advice is appreciated. edit>>I was told $50 for a supply that would last 3 months?
Ozone filter materials -

edit>> There is some kind of optional CD Ozone cartridge? I think they said it was $69, a few times a year.
Filter replacement - hope to learn that today too. edit>> Dealer said once a year at $99
Are there regular maintenance calls I should budget for that would be out of warranty? edit>> No, and the Sundance I got has a 5 year warranty!!
Anything else?