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Author Topic: Baqua Spa Shock  (Read 4231 times)


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Baqua Spa Shock
« on: July 13, 2004, 10:54:18 pm »
Went to my local dealer to purchse first of my replenishment supplies for  my baqua starter kit. I purchased bottle of baqua Shock @ $9.75 for 32 oz bottle.  Kinda pricey considering label says its nothing but 7.5 % hydrogen peroxide and the rest is water.  What gives? ??? I know you can purchase hydrogen pyroxide at local wally world for way less than $1.  Is there a difference?  perhaps a brand name label??  Gonna possibly create my own mix, should I???

Hot Tub Forum

Baqua Spa Shock
« on: July 13, 2004, 10:54:18 pm »


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Re: Baqua Spa Shock
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2004, 02:20:14 am »
 Oh I wouldn't even go there, unless you're a chemist. leave the mixing to the professionals.  I know you've seen women that have dyed their own hair blond. Most of the time it looks like crap.  Hey, it was just peroxide! right?? Just use the baqua spa and enjoy it.  It's very easy to maintain.


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Re: Baqua Spa Shock
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2004, 06:15:53 am »
I agree let Baqua Spa do the mixing.


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Re: Baqua Spa Shock
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2004, 04:20:36 pm »
Unless there's some special additional component in the Baqua peroxide bottle, you don't even need to mix something up.  Just dump in 2.5 quart bottles of the 3% peroxide you can get at the store and you've put the same concentration of peroxide into the spa as you would with the Baqua bottle.  When you're talking 400 gallons in the spa, having to add an extra quart of liquid makes no difference.  Baqua would likely take a dim view of this and may have the standard warning about the use of other than their products violating whaterever warranty they provide, so that should factor into your decision.  I've never used Baqua products and have no desire to do so, so I can't help on that front.



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Re: Baqua Spa Shock
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2004, 08:39:42 pm »
Starlight    What warranty? my spa is five years old purchased used so i have no factory waranty. Baqua only warrants that product conforms to chemical description on labeland fit to use as label directs you to use it.   I took a secound look at the hydrogen peroxide
bottle, it does have one extra ingredient ,.001 % Phosphoric acid as astabilizer. Not a lot,whenyou consider the bottle is only a pint. do you think im playing with disaster if i try it?


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Re: Baqua Spa Shock
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2004, 09:43:32 pm »
It's your spa, you can do whatever you want.


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Re: Baqua Spa Shock
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2004, 11:40:41 pm »
My "warranty" comment was only meant to alert you that Baqua would likely reject responsibility for ANYTHING that happened if you did not use only their chems.  Phosphoric acid is probably in the 3% stuff as well; if it were my spa I'd dump 2.5 bottles of cheap peroxide in and save the $.  It's kind of like being at the bar--you can have two watered-down drinks or one stiff one and it's more or less the same as far as your body is concerned.


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Baqua Spa Shock
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2004, 11:40:41 pm »


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