Quick question, I have a Hot Springs Sovereign tub about 2 years old, I just filled my water fresh again on July 1st, 2015. Had no issues until recently. I add chlorine or shock and it seems to be eaten up quickly and level goes to zero quickly. Now the Ph and Alkalinity are good, water is fairly new, usually don't have to refill until 3 or 4 months go by. Water is crystal clear, never had this issue before. What could be causing this, and the test strips our good. Also on a second note, are those jet and piping flush chemicals good to put into the tub and how often should that be done. The dealer person, said it could be a bacteria in the pipes, that needs to be flushed out, but isn't chlorine supposed to kill that, isn't it supposed to be a sanitizer ? The guy at the store, said the bacteria puts a film around itself and the chlorine can't kill it, whats the sense of using chlorine then. Any advice would be appreciated.