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Author Topic: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting  (Read 25425 times)


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2015, 04:54:36 pm »
Has any returned their unit for a replacement?  I give up on this piece of equipment.  I tried a wifi extender, moving the router almost next to the hot tub . . . nothing works.  It connects for a day and then won't reconnect.  I wonder now if there was a bad batch and maybe a replacement might work better?

How old and what make and model access point/router are you using?  Is the firmware current?

I seem to have solved my issues by installing a brand new Asus RT-AC68P router/AP.  I'm *not* using the BullFrog branded iOS ap instead using the  Balboa branded app.  It does not work the way tech support explained as far as displaying the SSIDs available in a drop down list, but entering my SSID (WPA authentication) did work with this newer device.  It's been about a week now and I can connect from anywhere I have a signal and it has not dropped off during that time.

I have ATT Uverse in my house, and the modem is an ARRIS NVG589.  Does that tell you anything?

Yes, Arris equipment is known to be problematic as it's a low cost option for carriers to use in an on-premise install.  Personally, I'd go buy a quality router/AP and save whatever monthly fee they're charging you for the rental and enjoy better, faster connectivity.

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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2015, 04:54:36 pm »


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2015, 11:52:36 am »
The module has a 15 foot cord. I took the module out of the hot tub and mounted it on the wall of my house and it started staying reliably connected. I just ziptied the cord next to the power cord going over to the wall.



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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2015, 02:23:41 pm »
Good deal.  Glad you got it sorted.  How far is the AP from the tub and what's in the way?


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2015, 09:34:26 am »
The AP is about 25 feet from the tub and there are 2 walls between, one exterior, one interior.

I think what helped was getting the WiFi interface away from the big motors on the pumps.



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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2015, 09:59:11 am »
The AP is about 25 feet from the tub and there are 2 walls between, one exterior, one interior.

I think what helped was getting the WiFi interface away from the big motors on the pumps.


Interesting.  Same for me only I've got a little more distance.  The EMF the motor would create is outside of the spectrum that would affect the WiFi spectrum.  It's more likely that putting it closer just bumped the poor signal strength of the Arris AP enough to get it to lock up better.

Either way.  Glad it's working.


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2016, 05:37:03 pm »
I have a brand new Marquis 660 hot tub.  Marquis uses 1990's era 5-character LCD displays, so I thought the wifi add-on would be ideal.  I have an old iPhone in a waterproof case which is perfect for controlling the tub - I don't use the built in controls.

I am a techie, I have an enterprise class wifi deployment at my home (overkill, but that's me).  I have tested three different access points.  I literally put an access point INSIDE the hot tub about 8 INCHES from the wifi control box.  It works great for 5-7 days, and then it disconnects.  I have to do a hard power-cycle to get it back on-line.

After reading this thread I am feeling a little burned.  Speaking with "Joe" at Balboa, all he did was blame my wifi and tell me it is the dealer's fault.  Marquis is supposed to be a decent brand, and I understand they do not make the control components.  However, they took my money for this expensive 'Internet of Things' device.  If I was just using this for "change the temp on your way home", that would be one thing.  This is my primary & preferred control for the tub, as the tub's built in interface is just kludgy.

As a techie, I agree with the previous poster's conclusion that this is a fundamental firmware / hardware / design problem with the device.  If this can be proven so, then Balboa (and the tub manufacturers) need to get it fixed.

I am posting here to add a "me too" to the thread.  Also to keep it alive in the hope that someone has found a resolution.



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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2016, 02:37:08 am »
me too

I also am very technical
Enterprise Grade Cisco Network gear in my home
Had the hardest time getting this thing to work

Even after successful connecting it, it disconnects almost daily


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2016, 02:38:35 am »
I had considered adding one but ruled it out based on the ludicrous price.  I've seen a few reports of connectivity issues, so especially glad I decided not to invest.

I'm hoping to decode the communications between the spa pack and topside panel with a view to eventually building a custom WiFi interface around a Raspberry PI.  Should get the price down to about $50 and solve the disconnect issue.

Have any of the longstanding members of this board seen similar attempts in the past?  Looking around the net there doesn't appear to be any sign of previous tries, which I'm hoping is down to nobody bothering rather than the comms data being encrypted and hard to decipher.

Any luck decoding the communications


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2016, 05:53:25 pm »
Here is another me too.  I have already had the wifi module swapped out.  It did not do anything.  Sure would like to know if anyone ever does find a real resolution.  It sounds like some people have found success with different things, but there is no concrete solution.  Seems like the hardware is supremely flawed.


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #24 on: June 06, 2016, 03:16:46 pm »
So just an update to my situation, the fourth one that I received is "better" than the other three that had just been swapped out.  Some how they must have modified the code to reset and try to reconnect.  Now, I say that it is better because it does still drop off, but eventually at least it comes back.  I don't know if it was my Spa people or Balboa that ultimately did whatever needed to be done, but the only answer I could get about this latest unit is that it "had new software". 


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2016, 06:10:34 pm »
I remember when it was as uncomplicated as tiny hoses full of air forced by a plunger button to a switch or solenoid. And noisy electric timers to start and stop filter cycles. Can you imagine??? LOL

Now we are talking about software.................


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2016, 12:32:59 pm »
Just realised I had a question from Letran a couple of months back.  Not had chance to hook up all the electronics yet but have been researching on the net and this patent looks relevant:


It's assigned to Balboa and includes information about an interface using an SPI protocol, going into plenty of detail about actual codes to transmit and receive.  I've got a Raspberry Pi set up with data logging on the SPI interface, just need to find time now to sit with a scope and work out what is being sent on each pin before wiring it in.

Regarding distance between the tub and wifi kit, I've got a couple of devices with external aerials on the opposite side of the tub from the access point, about eight feet from the pumps, and they run nicely.  There's also a 2.4gHz LED controller in there with just the built in aerial that runs with no issues.

Probably be late August by the time I know any more, got a couple of busy months coming up.


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2017, 08:50:37 am »
Reviving this topic.  I too have experienced these disconnect issues requiring a power cycle to reconnect.  My tub is located less than 10ft from my Airport express, albeit with an exterior wall between the two.

I rely on this connection as the tub is at a vacation house, and the whole reason for this purchase was monitoring/temp set when I am away.

Question for the group, has anyone figured out a hardwired/cat5 ethernet solution? 



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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2017, 07:47:42 pm »
I have this issue as well.  I have tried everything in relation to connecting, including putting my iPhone directly onto the Balboa wifi unit.   I cannot get it to even connect through the app in the setup stage.  The iPhone sees the unit, I connect to the wifi on my phone, but thats as far as I get. 

So mine is not even at the stage of working on the network.

Does anyone know if there is an initial step trick?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2017, 07:47:42 pm »


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