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Author Topic: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting  (Read 25391 times)


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Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:26:13 am »
Anyone have the BWG wifi module?  It works great when it's connected, but it disconnects almost daily, and to reconnect, I have to turn off and on the power to the spa.  So basically it's useless as a means of getting the spa ready on my way home.  Anyone else have this issue?  The dealer says my router needs to be closer to the spa.  Well, first I put an extender just inside my door, and now it actually outside about 12 feet away.  It still disconnects.  What's the point of this?  Glad it came with the spa, I'd be really annoyed if I paid extra for this feature.  Any suggestions?
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 05:44:05 pm by dave48103 »

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Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:26:13 am »


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2015, 08:36:37 am »
Thanks for the report, I hope it works out.  I'm considering installing the Sundance one on my tub.
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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2015, 11:28:42 am »
I had considered adding one but ruled it out based on the ludicrous price.  I've seen a few reports of connectivity issues, so especially glad I decided not to invest.

I'm hoping to decode the communications between the spa pack and topside panel with a view to eventually building a custom WiFi interface around a Raspberry PI.  Should get the price down to about $50 and solve the disconnect issue.

Have any of the longstanding members of this board seen similar attempts in the past?  Looking around the net there doesn't appear to be any sign of previous tries, which I'm hoping is down to nobody bothering rather than the comms data being encrypted and hard to decipher.


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2015, 12:43:52 pm »
I have it on my spa as well.  My router is +40ft away and I have no issues.  Mine always disconnect pretty much as soon as I exit out of the app but I can just click reconnect on the app and it connects after a few seconds. 


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2015, 03:24:14 am »
I'm having the same problems. Also my Bluetooth for Audio works for about 6 inches away from unit, then nothing. Bad connectivity, probably shielding issues.

I gave up on the WIFI aspect as it just would not stay connected. Very poor set up and design



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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2015, 05:42:12 pm »
Anyone else having a problem with their wifi?  Balboa says it must me my internet connection.  Am I missing something?  Or is this just a poor design of something whose technology has been around for a decade?


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2015, 06:00:24 pm »
Sorry never worked on them thar modern interweb thingy connected control boxes. I worked on plenty of air controls and electronic controls but nothing newer than 2009 or so yet. Some of the modern control systems will likely be the final nail in my tub repair coffin  :'(  I can still plumb in my retirement. My girlfriend is my IT person.

Maybe that's OK, getting old. My knees aren't what they used to be. Sold my hoist and trailer and bought a UAV


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2015, 08:12:14 am »
Anyone have the BWG wifi module?  It works great when it's connected, but it disconnects almost daily, and to reconnect, I have to turn off and on the power to the spa.  So basically it's useless as a means of getting the spa ready on my way home.  Anyone else have this issue?  The dealer says my router needs to be closer to the spa.  Well, first I put an extender just inside my door, and now it actually outside about 12 feet away.  It still disconnects.  What's the point of this?  Glad it came with the spa, I'd be really annoyed if I paid extra for this feature.  Any suggestions?

It's absolute junk.  I'm regretting paying for it.  The reviews online are accurate.  It sucks.

I have managed a 60,000 node enterprise network including 1500 wireless APs for 20 years so this isn't user error.  You have to reboot the wifi module every couple days to get it to work and then it never sees the SSIDs of either of my wireless networks at home.  Tech support blamed my phone...yep...my phone...for the problems.

I'm demanding a refund and they can come take the POS out of the tub themselves.


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2015, 07:46:44 pm »
Here's a thought from a different end ...

Is it possible that being in an environment with high power draw objects - heater, motors and the like that they cause power dips and spikes and the gear can't handle them? I'm not talking about the initial setup (can't see your wireless router) but once setup and "running" that a little blip causes the wireless device to sit there and scratch it's head and wonder what to do. Now before you pooh it off I will say that when my tub kicks on the lights in my house kind of dim for a second and I am running 200 amp service. I'm thinking that however that unit gets powered it doesn't handle whatever well and gets hung up.We have to reset the devices that get hung up during a blip in a hospital - electronics do not like blips!


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2015, 08:03:42 pm »
Here's a thought from a different end ...

Is it possible that being in an environment with high power draw objects - heater, motors and the like that they cause power dips and spikes and the gear can't handle them? I'm not talking about the initial setup (can't see your wireless router) but once setup and "running" that a little blip causes the wireless device to sit there and scratch it's head and wonder what to do. Now before you pooh it off I will say that when my tub kicks on the lights in my house kind of dim for a second and I am running 200 amp service. I'm thinking that however that unit gets powered it doesn't handle whatever well and gets hung up.We have to reset the devices that get hung up during a blip in a hospital - electronics do not like blips!

Good thought...let me describe my situation.

My tub draws 28 amps on startup (jets on high, heater on) so while it's not a small draw, it isn't huge.

They sell this to be used *in* this environment.  It should have been well tested prior to being available for sale.

I moved the wifi module outside of the tub as far as the very long cable would allow...probably 15' or more away from the tub.  I left it attached to the trim of a sliding, glass patio door on my home for 2 days.  Same behavior.

These wifi modules likely draw a very low amount of DC voltage (not certain on that, but I'd bet it's right)

My guess is these are very cheaply manufactured with very poor firmware.  The firmware is what will most likely cause this behavior.  I don't see any facility for upgrading the PROM so it is what it is.

I could build a wifi module with an Arduino controller for $25 that would be robust and have error correcting to include resetting or rebooting itself in the event it was necessary.  If I could get Balboa to provide the configuration of the data provided (not likely) this would be an easy thing to correct.

I'm going to call them (Balboa) again tomorrow and see what they suggest, but my guess is that they're as frustrated with this as the consumers are.

There really is no excuse for selling crap like this today.  It's just way too easy to do it right.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 08:07:00 pm by av8r »


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2015, 08:53:58 pm »
I'm not defending the product in any way, shape or form, I agree if you are going to sell a product - it should work. My thoughts are as a Biomedical Tech fighting the "great technology" advances in modern medical equipment and not all of them are up to the hype that surrounds them. Unfortunately, an idea is sold to someone high up in the chain and everyone below needs to run with it. And somewhere the idea to squeeze another $0.01 out of every unit gets to point of producing crap.

Hopefully you can get your money back.


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2015, 09:20:41 pm »
I'm not defending the product in any way, shape or form, I agree if you are going to sell a product - it should work. My thoughts are as a Biomedical Tech fighting the "great technology" advances in modern medical equipment and not all of them are up to the hype that surrounds them. Unfortunately, an idea is sold to someone high up in the chain and everyone below needs to run with it. And somewhere the idea to squeeze another $0.01 out of every unit gets to point of producing crap.

Hopefully you can get your money back.

Yep...didn't think you were defending it, sorry if it came off that way.  :)


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2015, 09:21:58 am »
Has any returned their unit for a replacement?  I give up on this piece of equipment.  I tried a wifi extender, moving the router almost next to the hot tub . . . nothing works.  It connects for a day and then won't reconnect.  I wonder now if there was a bad batch and maybe a replacement might work better?


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2015, 10:57:21 am »
Has any returned their unit for a replacement?  I give up on this piece of equipment.  I tried a wifi extender, moving the router almost next to the hot tub . . . nothing works.  It connects for a day and then won't reconnect.  I wonder now if there was a bad batch and maybe a replacement might work better?

How old and what make and model access point/router are you using?  Is the firmware current?

I seem to have solved my issues by installing a brand new Asus RT-AC68P router/AP.  I'm *not* using the BullFrog branded iOS ap instead using the  Balboa branded app.  It does not work the way tech support explained as far as displaying the SSIDs available in a drop down list, but entering my SSID (WPA authentication) did work with this newer device.  It's been about a week now and I can connect from anywhere I have a signal and it has not dropped off during that time.


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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2015, 02:01:50 pm »
Has any returned their unit for a replacement?  I give up on this piece of equipment.  I tried a wifi extender, moving the router almost next to the hot tub . . . nothing works.  It connects for a day and then won't reconnect.  I wonder now if there was a bad batch and maybe a replacement might work better?

How old and what make and model access point/router are you using?  Is the firmware current?

I seem to have solved my issues by installing a brand new Asus RT-AC68P router/AP.  I'm *not* using the BullFrog branded iOS ap instead using the  Balboa branded app.  It does not work the way tech support explained as far as displaying the SSIDs available in a drop down list, but entering my SSID (WPA authentication) did work with this newer device.  It's been about a week now and I can connect from anywhere I have a signal and it has not dropped off during that time.

I have ATT Uverse in my house, and the modem is an ARRIS NVG589.  Does that tell you anything?

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Re: Balboa Water Group Wifi module disconnecting
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2015, 02:01:50 pm »


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