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Author Topic: Master Spa LSX800 Questions  (Read 3068 times)


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Master Spa LSX800 Questions
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:45:46 pm »
Hello spa owners!  I'm new to this community and to spa ownership.  We've had our Master Spa LSX800 for a couple of weeks now.  Absolutely love it, no problemss.  But I do have some questions for other Master Spa legend series owners:

1. Is this spa not able to be in heating mode while 2 pumps are running?  Not a problem now, but I can see this as possible issue when winter comes and the tub has more than 1 or 2 people in it.  The owner's manual makes no mention of this.

2. Given that the tub has a 24 hour continuous cycle pump for filtration & heating, does the other pump cycle feature have any use?  Even though it says it will run for 15 minutes at a prescheduled time, it only runs for a minute or so.  The manual seems to imply that the cycle is disabled with spas that have the 24hr pumps, but ours does run for a bit.  I'm just not sure why?

3. What do people use for a "shock" when you are using chlorine instead of bromine?  The dealer gave us Spa Boss "Energize", but that seems more compatible with bromine.

4. Does pump #3 (the "therapy" seat) have a low speed?  The other two pumps controlling all the other seats both have a low/high setting

BTW, I installed an inexpensive kwh meter just for the hot tub so I know exacly how much energy it's consuming.  So far, with using it every day for 2 weeks, it's cost $15 (will be much higher in winter), but happy with that energy consumption so far.

Thanks in advance!!!

Hot Tub Forum

Master Spa LSX800 Questions
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:45:46 pm »


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Re: Master Spa LSX800 Questions
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2015, 07:16:33 pm »
I saw no one replied to your post and thought I'd offer my insight.

1. - Correct, the tub will turn the heater off to prevent the breaker from tripping. With two pumps and the heater on the spa would pull too much power and overload the circuit breaker.

2. The main pumps turning on for a short time a couple times a day helps the filtration. The intention is to kick up larger particles of dirt debris so the filter can remove them.

3. The same shock is used for chlorine and bromine. Oxy Spa works great with both, you the shock after each hot tub use. When the spa is not used, it is a good idea to add about 2 tablespoons per week.

4. No, pump #3 is a single-speed jet pump.

I hope this helps!


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Re: Master Spa LSX800 Questions
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2015, 12:50:51 pm »
Thanks for the response. I did find out from my local dealer that two pumps should be able to run with the heater on. He called master spa and found out that some control switches were incorrectly set.  He came out and fixed that and now any two of the three pumps can run on high with the heater on

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Master Spa LSX800 Questions
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2015, 12:50:51 pm »


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