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Author Topic: 3rd dealer sucsessfull wet test  (Read 2428 times)


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3rd dealer sucsessfull wet test
« on: July 08, 2015, 03:25:59 am »
In response to the 1st and 2nd dealers not wanting to wet test the models we looked at, The 3rd dealer had no problem wiring up the model we wanted to wet test. At first it was the caldera marino and after numerous emails he wired up the J-235 for us and had it full of water a week ahead of us coming down on july 3rd, both the wife and I had the day off so it was perfect for us. We got to the store 2hrs away from home and met with the salesperson he showed us alittle about the J-235 we got changed into our swim suits and got into the hot tub, The staff overfilled it to much and we got a lot of water on the floor he didn't mind one bit during out wet test of about 40 min trying every seat a couple of times with air on and off he only checked on us 2 times and left us alone, He was not a pushy salesman at all. I told him we wanted to try a higher class tub that he had hooked up. It was the hotsprings envoy with all the bells and whistles  we were only in it for 10 min and we floated out of every seat the moto massage felt good. We asked to try another one that he had hooked up another hotsprings tub I don't know which model it was it was only a few min and we deciced that we didn't like that one either. After talking to him some more on the J-235 he selected that one for our height Iam 6'3" the wife 6' we both wanted the lounger and foot jets. Both the wife and I liked how the j-235 felt, didn't float out of the lounger at all and was in our budget. He gave us a price which wasn't not that bad of a deal, We told him we were going to have lunch and be back in a few hrs so we could talk about it between the wife and I. After some discussion we decided we really like the J-235. When we got back to the dealership, He knew we were serious about the J-235 and he lowerd his price alittle bit more with delivery from $150 to $100 and with a little cash discount, It included the tub, cover, cover lifter, chemicals(for water sample I brought in), cheap steps. We felt like we got a very fair deal.

 I told him I still had to have the cement slab pored and electrical work done, He had no problem holding onto the tub as he had a nice big warehouse to store it till I was ready. I got the cement contractor stopping by Saturday to look at pouring a 10' x 12' x4" slab, The electric guy late next week to put in box from the main line. Hope fully by the end of july we will have the J-235 in place.

 I want to thank the members of this forum and reading a lot of post and being a informed consumer, It has help a lot into the world of hot tubs and the most important thing to remember WET TEST before you buy. If the dealer don't want to wet test move on to one that will.
Thanks Coleman

Hot Tub Forum

3rd dealer sucsessfull wet test
« on: July 08, 2015, 03:25:59 am »


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Re: 3rd dealer sucsessfull wet test
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2015, 01:12:42 pm »
Congratulations. Enjoy enjoy enjoy   :)

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 3rd dealer sucsessfull wet test
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2015, 01:12:42 pm »


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