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Also should foam insulated spas be strictly avoided like TS stated?
I'd suggest you keep looking at other brands like Caldera, D1, Hot Springs, Jacuzzi and Sundance. If you were to ask for people's favorite brands you'll typically see those I just mentioned along with Arctic, Artesian, Bullfrog and Marquis as well. What I doubt you'll ever see included on a favorite list is Thermo, they tend to go on a different list .
Quote from: nick3941sd on June 23, 2015, 08:23:22 pm Also should foam insulated spas be strictly avoided like TS stated? The top manufacturers in the world use foam to insulate their tubs. They sell more tubs than anyone. So they haven't been avoided by buyers so far. And their are a lot of them out there.I guess if you sell a tub with no insulation like TS you would say this. Cost to operate, with no insulation like TS, a lot.
Did you happen to get a phone call a couple days after the thermospa consultation that they had a customer cancel and can give you an even better deal? Lol. I'd stick with hotspring, jacuzzi, caldera, bullfrog in no particular order. Companies with great products, strong warranties that you'll probably never use.