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Author Topic: REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?  (Read 7728 times)


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REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?
« on: June 05, 2015, 02:12:47 pm »
I finally decided to go with the HS Jetsetter after agonizing research...just to find out my dealer can only order two at once and his business is so small, he can not afford to get a tub he isn't sure will sell off the floor.  And waiting for someone else may takes weeks or months..(rural) area. As it is.....I am like 70 miles away and he is the closest dealer of any kind. The next closest dealer is 4 hours away.  He will sell me one and deliver etc...but I am thinking repair warrenty trips might be tricky.

So, the dealer I like by me also sells Vita spas.  He has been selling MAXX for quite a while.  I like the Vita Joli sitting arrangements.  I almost like it better than the jetsetter as I am not a huge fan of the loungers.  He says my electric bill would be approximately $10.00 more a month.  well, that adds up....and I can't find a lot of information on these Vita spas.

HELP!!!!!  Go with the long distance dealer and stick with my Jetsetter?  Or go with the dealer by me and get the Vita Joli?
Man....they are only about $400.00 difference in price...Joli is $6,083. and Jetsetter is $ 6,495.00


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REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?
« on: June 05, 2015, 02:12:47 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2015, 06:16:51 pm »
 The wait sucks but from a longevity and quality standpoint,  I would take the Jetsetter any day of the week.  Seems like a pretty low price as well..


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Re: REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2015, 06:44:51 pm »
He says my electric bill would be approximately $10.00 more a month. 


When I see such an unattainably low cost of usage quoted it makes me raise an eyebrow.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2015, 07:30:07 pm »
The dealer from a far....guarentees he comes my way all the time..and has the color options i want already ordered..as in it would be here in two weeks...same price as the other guy....no extra delivery charges...comes to do warrenty work as well...has a cabin near to me and lets face it,,,,I want the jetsetter...I just can't get the same reliability...energy savings...from a Vita...so I guess....same decision...just a different dealer.


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Re: REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2015, 07:57:21 pm »
Did you ask the dealer how long of a wait it may be? Can he bundle it with his next order (even if it's a different model?) How many does he sell a week? Month? The Vita is a good tub don't get me wrong but there should be a little bigger price difference. If it's a 2-3 grand maybe it's worth it? Get close to the same longevity maybe a little less, 50-100 bucks a year operating cost. Take 20 years to get 1500. But you'll be sick of the tub by then and be looking to upgrade if your into the lifestyle or change recreation. Sauna, pool, dirt bikes.........


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Re: REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2015, 12:58:53 pm »
you've seem to have realized what your next step will be, I'll just add $10 per month in electricity is a ridiculous claim, and 2nd a brand new jetsetter loaded/delivered for $6,495 is a very good price

Happy Soaking!


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Re: REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2015, 01:42:04 pm »
Hey all, Thanks for the advice.  Well, for one, my HS dealer near me may not have another order for a hot springs for months....I can't wait that long...so the 4 hour away HS dealer, who is eager to come my way for delivery, has my exact color preferences coming into his store in two weeks.  Now that I looked hard at the Vita and saw the corner seating bucket seats, I am wondering if I like that seating configuration better than a lounger and the other two seats in the jetsetter....so even though it is a hastle in terms of distance and time....I think we are going to drive to the dealer down state when it gets in and wet test it.  If I  like it as much as everyone seems too, I'll but it on the spot.  If not, then I might look at the limelight Glow, which has seating similar to the Vita.  Not sure if the limelight is as energy efficient as the jetsetter....anyone know?  Would that be a good choice if I don't like the lounger set up in the jetsetter?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: REALLY???? back to the drawing board...Vita Joli?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2015, 01:42:04 pm »


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