First of all "Hi"

Completely new to the hot tub world so please for give any obvious questions that may come.. ..
wondering if anyone can help ! we have just got our new hot tub from premier, all has been fine but we are getting a bit of a problem. We have a continuous flow system for the filtration which has been running 24/7 after getting it wired up last sunday, but after using the tub for the first time last night (fri 5th) the flow system now is switching itself off after a short time (maybe a couple of minutes) and leaving the water stagnant. The filter cycle is still kicking in and running jet 1 for 2 two hour cycles ok but after that its all quite on the filtration front which seems odd as it's been running fine up to now. If we change anything at all (temp up 1 degree or change from standard to eco mode) it does start again but stops again after the said 2 minute or so ??

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Thank's in advance for any info.
Fiona & Paul